Epilogue Friday June 9, 2017
Posted on Jun 9, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Greetings Beloved
As we come to the end of another week, there is much we all can be thankful for. Among the things we should be most grateful for is God’s Grace. It is by the grace of God that we are alive. And because we are alive, we still have the opportunity to make the necessary corrections in our lives to receive His gift of eternal life. Let’s be careful then not to squander a minute of His precious and amazing grace.
Join me in wishing a happy birthday to Hildren Hilton who celebrated her birthday on Monday and Barbara Robinson who celebrated her birthday on Tuesday. Have a wonderful and safe weekend! And I hope to see you in the Lord’s House on the Lord’s Day.
Pastor Jordan
Contact Wednesday June 7, 2017
Posted on Jun 7, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Some people say and/or believe if God was more accessible or visible, then I would believe and serve Him. If I could just touch Him with my hands or hear Him with my ears or see Him with my eyes I would believe Him. If this is the case, then there seems to be some doubt about God’s existence. Because why does a person have to see God with their eyes, to believe or obey Him? Or why does a person really need to feel God with their hands and hear His voice with their ears to keep His commandments? The answer is that we don’t.
Pastor Jordan
Purpose Tuesday June 6, 2017
Posted on Jun 6, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Greetings Beloved
“Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?” were two of the questions raised on yesterday. The answer to those questions lie in the thoughts we wake up with. Did anyone stop and noticed what they woke up thinking about this morning? Were you surprised at what it revealed? Make an effort to notice what you wake up thinking about each morning the rest of this week.
I believe Jesus thought each day about making progress on what His Father sent Him to do. Surely, He thought about and did lots of things, but nothing more importantly or consistently than what He was doing for His Father. They were His purpose and His reason for being. His thoughts about His mission and assignment for Our Father gave His life meaning, focus and purpose. So, let me ask you again “What is giving your life meaning, focus and purpose?” Wake up this week and think about it. You might be surprised at what you find!
MBR Monday June 5, 2017
Posted on Jun 5, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
For thousands of years, there have been men and women who have asked the question “Why am I here?” or “What is the purpose of life?” or some similar question. It is a natural question and the answer to it allows a person to focus their time and energy to fulfilling that purpose. When the answer eludes them, some people begin to makeup answers to these questions, while others look to people and things to give their life meaningful purpose. Still others spend their entire life simply existing and die without ever defining the purpose and meaning for their life. What is your answer to this question?
Pastor Jordan
Epilogue Friday June 2, 2017
Posted on Jun 2, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Well, we lived to see the end of another week as well as the beginning of another month. Can you believe that 2017 is nearly halfway over! I’ve had a wonderful time sharing my thoughts with you this week and thank God for the opportunity and privilege to do so. So as a way of ending the week, I would like to take a moment to revisit the week’s main thoughts in light of our Christian calling and faith.
Pastor Jordan
Nostalgia Thursday June 1, 2017
Posted on Jun 1, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Nostalgia. A word that means looking back and longing for happier days gone by. If we take a minute, most of us can think of at least one moment in our life, no matter how brief it may have been, when there was a joy and happiness that has rarely been equaled or surpassed. It shouldn’t be too hard to remember, since many of us occasionally think about those times.
Pastor Jordan
Confusion Wednesday May 31, 2017
Posted on May 31, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
What does it mean to be a Christian today? The term is confusing and becoming more so because an increasing number of people who say they are Christian are becoming indistinguishable from people who are “Nones” or have no religious affiliation.
Pastor Jordan
Technology Tuesday May 30, 2017
Posted on May 30, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Greeting FB and Friends
This is something we as a congregation need to do to move ministry forward. In order to communicate effectively with the people in our culture, we must learn to speak their language and meet them were they are. I’m seeing two and three year old children being raised today with smartphones in their hands. So please contact me if you need assistance or complete the “Technical Assistance Request” form on our website. Thanks for your cooperation. And I’ll meet you online!
Pastor Jordan
Influence Monday May 29, 2017
Posted on May 29, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Pastor Jordan
Coptic Friday May 26, 2017
Posted on May 26, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Pastor Jordan