The Shepherd’s Voice
The Shepherd’s Voice is one of our pastor’s communications extension to the Church, our friends and the world.  He uses it as a way to reach out to our faith community while providing spiritual insight and perspectives to the sermon messages and events and issues of our day.  We are welcomed and encouraged to comment on any of the messages by clicking the “Fine or Main Point” link you want to comment on, going to the bottom of the page and filling in and Submitting the Reply at the end of the message.  Most of the blogs have audio playback so we can listen to as well as read them.  We hope you are blessed and inspired by our Shepherd’s Voice.

Fine Points Monday June 11, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  I was so glad to see all of our members and friends again as the Lord gave us another beautiful day to come out, worship and fellowship with one another.  Several students were acknowledged for graduating from high school, middle school or for achieving other awards at school.  We wish them all well as they enter the next phase of their lives. 
Dea. W. Evans and Bro. B. Funderburk were also recognized for their 24 years as Director of Music and 16 years as Usher President.  It was our way of saying thank you for their many years of faithful and dedicated service.  Our men have scheduled their first Men’s Day practice for 9:00 am this coming Saturday.  So pass the word around to any men who were not there yesterday.  Vacation Bible School begins today Monday June 11 and will continue through Friday June 15.  We always have a good time at VBS so make plans to attend.  We will begin at 6:15 each night. 
Don’t forget to come out to Sunday School, Missions and BTU beginning at 9:00 am.  The Young Adults will meet again this Saturday at 5:00 in the conference room.  We have missed our last two meetings so everyone try to be there so we can get caught up.  Verlinda and I will be celebrating 29 years of marital bliss this Sunday, so if you miss us this Sunday you will know why. 
And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Don’t Kill Yourself”.  The death of anyone by suicide leaves those left behind wondering why.  What was so wrong or bad in their life that overshadowed all reasons to live or others to help them get through what was troubling them.  123 persons per day are making the choice to end their lives instead of facing another day.  Suicide is like death in that it touches people from all walks of life.  Money, fame, fun and fortune along with all of the other things people pursue in life will not insulate them from suicide and depression. 
The source of the problem is that people are trying to live without God.  God said He has no pleasure in the death of anyone, so He asks the question “why would we choose suicide over life with Him”.  Just as we ask the question when we see people choosing suicide to life, God is asking us the same question.  When we refuse to obey and submit to God we are saying that I can’t or refuse to live the way God wants to live and I would rather die than face life as a child of God. 
While 123 persons per day in the US are committing physical suicide far more are committing spiritual suicide each day.  Joe Clark told the young student that crack was killing him and if was determined to kill himself he shouldn’t mess around but jump off the building instead and get it over with.  Whatever we are doing that is keeping us from submitting to God is like crack and is killing us.  The wages or result of disobedience or sin is and always will be death.  God says turn from our crack or transgressions and not let it be our ruin.  Why would we kill ourselves when we and can repent and live?    Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you this week at VBS or Sunday morning, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday June 4, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Sunday was another beautiful day to come out and worship the Lord and I was so glad to see many of our members and friends in attendance.  Speaking of friends, one of our friends who has been fellowshipping with us for a while came forth during the altar call to become a member of our Christian Community.  I am always encouraged when others feel led to become a member of the Flag Branch community of believers. 
At the Men’s Breakfast Saturday, the men continue to use this opportunity to make improvements around the buildings as needed.  I really like what I am seeing as we make progress toward making the church facilities all that God will have them to be.  We were treated to a wonderful Health workshop and seminar on Healthy Eating and Nutrition.  It was full of useful information on making excellent food choices and the health benefits and risk associated with eating certain foods. We all received samples of healthy food choices and smoothies which we all enjoyed.  I want to also thank Sis. Muirhead for being our health coordinator and for facilitating this workshop.
Don’t forget that Vacation Bible School will begin Monday June 11 and continue through Friday June 15.  We always have a good time at VBS so make plans to attend.  We will begin at 6:15 each night.  Don’t forget to come out to Sunday School, Missions and BTU beginning at 9:00 am.  These three ministries provide an important ingredient in our recipe for developing spiritual growth.  Some of our members and friends went to St. Davie yesterday afternoon to help them celebrate Pastor Chambers anniversary.  Thank you for your gifts we sent to him.  Just a reminder to all Advisory Council members that we be meeting this evening at 6:30 pm.    And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Life Preserver”. 
Value and Belief are the two main components that helps to solidify the commitment necessary to take up the cross and follow Jesus.  By Value I mean recognizing the unique amazing wonder that human life represents.  By undervaluing this gift of life, people are exchanging their lives for trifling fractions of what they are worth.  So a person can never appreciate life until they recognize its value.  The other component is Belief that life can be preserved.  No manmade solution will work to preserve life.  But the author of life, who is God, is able both to create and preserve what He created.  The Preserver is Jesus Christ and faith in Him allows His preserving grace and power to save our lives.  Take time to savor every moment of our earthly life and trust God in Christ to keep it going through death and beyond.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see Sunday morning, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday May 28, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Sunday was another beautiful day to come out and worship the Lord and I was so glad to see many of our members and friends in attendance.  Sunday of course was Women’s Day and I believe nearly every woman in attendance participated in the program in one way or another.  It was uplifting and inspiring to see the women work and sing together.  I want to thank everyone for their participation and especially Sis. M. Rorie for serving as Program Chairperson and Sis. G. Hawkins as Guest Speaker. 
The Men’s Breakfast will be this Saturday at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.  We will probably do some cleaning of the old fellowship hall and some other things following breakfast.  Beginning at 11:30 am, we will have a Health workshop and seminar on Healthy Eating and Nutrition.  So everyone is invited to join us for that.   Don’t for that Vacation Bible School will begin Monday June 11 and continue through Friday June 15.  We always have a good time at VBS so make plans to attend.  We will begin at 6:15 each night. 
Don’t forget to come out to Sunday School, Missions and BTU beginning at 9:00 am.  These three ministries provide an important ingredient in our spiritual growth.  The Summer Quarter begins this Sunday in Sunday School and will focus on Justice in the New Testament.  This should be a very interesting and important topic.  In BTU, Study Two:  Culture and Worldliness” of “Lifestyle Priorities” is our continuing study of practical Christian living and witnessing in our world today.  It is providing an excellent forum for us to share our thoughts on some of the critical aspects of living out our Christian calling in an increasing secular society.  So make that extra effort and join is each Sunday as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through these ministries. 
I want to express my sincere appreciation for all of our members and friends who came to Friendship MBC last week during their Spring Revival.  I was the guest preacher for the week and it was so good to look out and see you there.  Thank you again for your continuing prayers and support.  There was also a good turnout for Walker’s Grove MBC Missionary Day service.  It was a wonderful and spiritual service, the food was good and I know Sis. V. Jordan was glad to see everyone there.  And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s Woman’s Day service. 
When a lay person speaks, their speech is not intended to be a sermon.  That is the clergy’s responsibility.  But it gives a lay person the opportunity to share some thoughts and experiences about the Lord based on the own life.  Sis. Hawkins focused her message yesterday on healing because of her most recent experiences that involved the healing of her body.  She reminded us of how important it is to call on the Lord and depend on Him when we are at our weakest and most vulnerable points.  She also mentioned the importance of having a good support team of family, friends and church members when we are going through a trying time. 
Finally, by accepting the invitation to speak, she reminded us to be willing to do what we are asked even if it doesn’t seek like much to us.  Because we never know who may need to hear or witness what we have to share.    Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you Saturday at the Health Seminar and workshop and Sunday morning, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday May 21, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  I want to thank God for all of the members and friends who attended service on yesterday.  And although I missed some, I was glad to see others.  Our Annual Meeting ran smoothly and was very well attended.  All of the officers who were nominated were elected and the budget and calendar were approved.  The stepping down of Bro. B. Funderburk as Usher President and Dea. W. Evans as Music Director marked the end of an era for both men and ministries and the beginning of another.  We wish the best for them and their replacements, Sis. April Shine as Usher President and Sis. Patrise Webber as Music Director as they turn the page in the next chapter of their lives. 
I am continuing to invite all members and friends to come out to Sunday School, Missions and BTU beginning at 9:00 am.  These three ministries provide a vital part of our spiritual growth maturity plan.  So make that extra effort and join is each Sunday as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Speaking of BTU, Study Two:  Culture and Worldliness” of “Lifestyle Priorities” began Sunday with a look at the meaning of “culture”.  Be sure to get a study guide from me or Dea. Collins, begin answering the discussion questions and be ready to share your thoughts as we look at these subjects together. 
The women have scheduled two practices this week for Women’s Day on Tuesday and Saturday.  The Tuesday practice I believe begins at 7:00 pm and I’m not sure about the Saturday practice.  Contact Sis. M. Rorie or P. Webber for more information and get involved.  Sis. Glenda Hawkins will be the Speaker this Sunday for Women’s Day so let’s lift her up in prayer for this assignment and for her return to work on tomorrow after all the surgery and complications that followed.  To God be the Glory! 
If you didn’t update your profile in time for the Annual Meeting, I want to encourage you to do it anyhow.  Using online technology as a means of conducting Christian ministry will become an increasing important tool of our effort to advance the kingdom of our Savior.  See me or someone from the membership committee if you need assistance.  I request your prayers as I will be in revival at Friendship MBC in Monroe beginning tonight Monday May 21st through Thursday May 24th.  I’m asking the church to come out on Thursday on the final night of the revival, but you are welcome to come any or all of the other nights as well. 
Please take time to go by and look at the information that is presented at the Health Table and Bulletin Board.  There is some important information regarding domestic abuse and what we can do to help on the board now.  We will have a health workshop on “Healthy Together / Nutrition Information” and demonstration Saturday, June 2 at 11:30 am.  It will be a very good and informative workshop for everyone in the church so make plans to attend.  And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Knowing Which Way To Go”.
Unfortunately, animals sometime find themselves in the road in the path of oncoming cars and trucks and don’t know which way to go to get out of the way and end up being struck and killed.  Many of them zig and zag, but all to no avail because they can’t tell which way will lead to safety.  Sadly, people in our world today are zigging and zagging trying to find a way to go, but every way they choose leads to death and destruction.  Isaiah wanted God’s people to know that God has made a way for them called the highway of holiness.  On this highway, they will have the blessings and peace of God without the worry and trauma of being on a road full of the dangers that led to death and destruction. 
The way is so plain that any traveler, though they be unlearned or a fool, can’t get lost.  For nothing unclean will pass over this way which will let anyone know if they are on the right road.  Jesus Christ is the personification of this way.  So many don’t know about this way and some do who so far are choosing to go another way.  I hope you will take time to visit our website or use our mobile app to listen to the sermon again, think and reflect on these things and share your thoughts on my blog.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you at Friendship and Sunday morning, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday May 14, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Yesterday was another glorious day that the Lord made for us to come out and fellowship together and I was so glad to see so many members and friends in attendance.  Yesterday, Dea. Collins lead the Sunday School and Bro. Funderburk lead the Missions discussion.  These leaders, along with Rev. Byars and Min. Duncan bring a fresh and different perspective to each discussion which makes for a more dynamic learning experience for everyone.  I encourage you to attend and invite others to join you. 
We will begin Study Two:  Culture and Worldliness” of  “Lifestyle Priorities” this Sunday during BTU.  This first study was very enlightening and I expect the next one to be just as good or better.  I hope everyone will come and invite someone to join us.  We observed Mother’s Day with a presentation to our oldest mother of a special floral arrangement from the Union County Union and red and white roses to all mothers presented by the Social and Planning Committee.  Also, a drawing for a manicure was won by Sis. Carolyn Faulkner. 
I am asking all women not to wait to be asked to do something, but go to Sis. M. Rorie and ask her what you can do for Women’s Day which is quickly coming up this 4th Sunday.  I am encouraged as I see and hear of more and more members updating their online profile.  If you still haven’t updated yours, try to get it done this week.  Contact me or Sis. L. Collins, W. Jordan, and V. Jordan if you need assistance.  Our Annual Meeting will be Saturday, May 19th at 2:00 pm.  So mark your calendar and note the change in the time.
I will be in revival at Friendship MBC in Monroe beginning Monday May 21st through Thursday May 24th.  I’m asking the church to come out on Thursday on the final night of the revival, but you are welcome to come any or all of the other nights as well.  Please take time to go by and look at some of the information that is presented at the Health Table and Bulletin Board.  The information is designed to help us all better manage our health.  A health workshop is now set for Saturday, June 2 at 11:30 am.  It will be very good and informative workshop for everyone in the church so make plans to attend.  And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “The Divine Family”. 
It is no secret that Jesus had a mother, brothers and sisters, an earthly father and an extended family of other relatives.  He was after all after the seed of David.  While not denying His earthly relationships, Jesus emphasized His divine relations.  His purpose on earth was to increase the number of His divine siblings by teaching them about the kingdom of God.  Jesus was born into the family of David and the family of God.  He was both human and divine. 
We are all born into an earthly family.  And because we were born, we have the opportunity to be born again or from above by the Spirit of God into the divine family of which the Father and Son are the most prominent members.  Jesus said those who do the will of the Father are His divine siblings and relatives.  I hope you will take time to listen to the sermon again, consider these things and leave a comment on my blog.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday May 7, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Yesterday was another glorious day that the Lord made for us to come out and fellowship together and I was so glad to see so many members and friends in attendance.  We concluded “Study One:  An Unusual Arrangement” of our BTU study of “Lifestyle Priorities”.  “Study Two:  Culture and Worldliness” will begin the 3rd Sunday in May.  I hope everyone will come and invite someone to join us. 
Mother’s Day will be this Sunday.  So everyone who is still blessed to have a living mother, don’t forget to do something special and tell her how much she means to you.  I asking all women not to wait to be asked to do something, but go to Sis. M. Rorie and ask her what can you do for Women’s Day which is quickly coming up this 4th Sunday.  I am encouraged as I see and hear of more and more members updating their online profile.  If you still haven’t updated yours, try to get it done this week.  Contact me or Sis. L. Collins, W. Jordan, and V. Jordan if you need assistance. 
Our Annual Meeting will be Saturday, May 19th at 2:00 pm.  So mark your calendar and note the change in the time.  We were able to insulate the well and begin repairs to the ramp to the fellowship hall Saturday at our men’s breakfast.  Our next breakfast will be held in the Fellowship Hall on the 1st Saturday in June at 8:30 am.  All men are welcomed and encouraged to attend.  I will be in revival at Friendship MBC in Monroe beginning Monday May 21st through Thursday May 24th.  I’m asking the church to come out on Thursday on the final night of the revival, but you are welcome to come any or all of the other nights as well. 
Please take time to go by and look at some of the information that is presented at the Health Table and Bulletin Board.  The information is designed to help us all better manage our health.  A health workshop is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 2 which I believe will be very good for everyone in the church.  I will keep you informed as these plans become finalized.  And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Pennies From Heaven”. 
Jesus often used similes and parables to communicate hidden truth about the kingdom of heaven.  It was His preferred method of teaching.  He would often say the kingdom of heaven is like this or that.  Yesterday’s message noted the following observations.  There is a need for workers in the vineyard of the Lord which is lost and fallen humanity.  God extends an offer to work in this vineyard to everyone with a promise to compensate us fairly for the work we shall do.  In order to get paid, we must work faithfully until the night or evening comes which means we are no longer able to work.  Finally, and most importantly, God will compensate us over and above what we deserve or expect. 
In the parable, all the laborers are awarded a penny, a full day’s wage, regardless when they started.  A penny from heaven is more valuable than all the millions and billions the world has to offer.  This is why we should be willing to forsake all the treasure of the world for just one penny from heaven.  And no matter what hour of the day we begin working, if we work until the close of the day, we will all receive a penny which represents the eternal blessings of God.  The important thing is that we begin and work until the sun of our life goes down.  I hope you will take time to listen to the sermon again, consider these things and leave a comment on my blog.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday April 30, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Yesterday was another day that the Lord had made and I was glad to be in it and see as many of you as I did.  Sis. Dumas and Bro. Heath were again in attendance which is always a blessing.  A reminder that Women’s Day is the 4th Sunday in May and Sis. Mary Rorie is the Program Chairperson.  I’m hoping and encouraging all to cooperate and work with her to help make this program something God will be pleased with because it will be here sooner than we think. 
The NAACP held their “Woman of the Year” program in the Fellowship Hall Saturday evening.  I want to extend a special thank you to Deacon Collins, Chiquita Rorie, Melanie Eddy and any others on behalf of the church for anything you did to help accommodate them.  I am still encouraging everyone who has not accessed and updated their online profile to do so as soon as possible.  I am available along with Sis. L. Collins, W. Jordan, and V. Jordan to help you if you need assistance.  Our Annual Meeting will be Saturday, May 19th at 2:00 pm.  So mark your calendar and note the change in the time. 
The Union County Union Cooperative Training Institute is going on this week here at Flag Branch and will continue through Thursday.  There will be teaching and training available for everyone in the church.  Let’s be gracious host and make plans to attend.  Our men’s breakfast will be held Saturday at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.  We will continue discussing the changes we talked about at our last meeting.  All men are welcomed and encouraged to attend. 
I will be in revival at Friendship MBC in Monroe beginning Monday May 21st through Thursday May 24th.  I’m asking the church to come out on Thursday on the final night of the revival, but you are welcome to come any or all of the other nights as well.  Please take time to go by and look at some of the information that is presented at the Health Table and Bulletin Board.  The information is designed to help us all better manage our health.  A health workshop is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 2 which I believe will be very good for everyone in the church.  I will keep you informed as plans become finalized. 
And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Make In Christ Jesus”.  God is obviously a Master Craftsman or Maker of things which is evident by just opening our eyes to see all the things that have been made.  And when it comes to His people and those who He chooses to save, He is no less purposeful and masterful in His design for them.  He has chosen to create or make them in Christ Jesus. 
Those who are made in Christ Jesus can only turn out to be people dedicated to doing good works.  These people and their good works were pre-ordained or determined by God before He laid the foundation of the world.  If we find ourselves unable or unwilling to do the works of God, it is because we are not made in Christ Jesus.  All of our good works are tainted by the flesh until we are made over in Christ Jesus.  This is why Jesus said we must be “born again” which means “to be born from above”.  God’s design in Christ Jesus begins a sanctifying self-correcting process that brings us to a point where good works that God has ordained we should live by becomes as natural for us as walking, talking and breathing
Wakanda, the imaginary East African nation, is highly technologically advanced because of a particular resource it possessed for many generations that no one else had.  They can make things superior and far better than anyone else.  God is like that nation.  He can make us far better than we or anyone else can make ourselves.  Anyone who is made in Christ Jesus will be exactly what God intended and designed for His people to be.  If we are made in any other place or means, we are hopelessly defective and unfit for the kingdom of heaven. 
I hope you will take time to listen to the sermon again, consider these things and leave a comment on my blog.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you at the Institute this week or Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday April 23, 2018

Audio Player


Greeting FB Members and Friends

Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Yesterday was another beautiful day to come out and meet with the family of God on the Lord’s Day.  The weather was nice and many members and friends were in attendance including Sis. Dumas and Bro. Heath.  We also saw the return of Dea. Meadows who had one of his best weeks since he has been dealing with some health issues.  Let pray that the worst of these health issue are over. 

Women’s Day is only a month away and Sis. Mary Rorie is the Program Chairperson.  I’m hoping and encouraging all to cooperate and work with her to help make this program something God will be pleased with.  The NAACP will be here this Saturday, April 28th for their “Woman of the Year” program in the Fellowship Hall which will start at 5:00 pm.  See Deacon Collins if you would like to attend.  

April is Registration Month which means all members need to access and update their church profiles.  You can use a computer, tablet or smartphone to access your profile.  If you don’t have one of these, it can be done at the church or you can ask someone to use theirs.  I will be available between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Wednesday at the church to help register anyone who would like help with their registration.  I also plan to be there Saturday between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm but that may change if I’m needed to drive the van to Rockingham for the District 5 meeting.  I will send a message out if anything changes. 

The Union County Union Mass Meeting will be held here on Saturday May 19th beginning at 9:30 am.  Our Annual Meeting will also be Saturday, May 19th at 2:00 pm.  So mark your calendar and note the change in the time.  The Union County Union Cooperative Training Institute will begin Sunday here at Flag Branch and will continue through Thursday.  There will be teaching and training available for everyone in the church so make plans to attend.   And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “The Working Church Pt. 2”. 

John said he heard the number of those that were sealed to be 144000 of the tribes of Israel.  Then he saw a number of people that no man could number who were the redeemed of the Lord.  It is estimated that 100 billion people have already lived and died. There are currently over 7 billion alive on the planet now.  We also know from Jesus that only a few will be saved.  If the number John saw is 10 million, that would mean only 1 in 10 thousand persons would be saved and if it was 100 million, the number would be 1 in a thousand. 

What this means is that God can be and is very selective when it comes to receiving people as children into His family.  This is why our works matter.  The works of God begins with belief in the one God has sent.  Our works are a reflection of what’s in our hearts and an indicator of our relationship with God.  We must therefore not underestimate the importance of the works we are doing every moment of every day because they help us to know if we are on the right track in our hope to be that 1 in 1000 or 1 in 10 thousand that John saw if the number he saw was 100 million or 10 million saved souls which could be considered a large number for what Jesus described as a few saved. 

I hope you will take time to listen to the sermon again and consider these things.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,

Blessings and Peace

Pastor Jordan


Fine Points Monday April 16, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  By the grace of God Flag Branch was able to successfully host the Countywide Crusade for Christ last week.  It began Sunday and continued through Thursday.  On behalf of the church I want to personally express our thanks for the services of our Deacons Wilbert Evans and Ernest Collins, Bro. Excell Jordan and James Crowder and all the Ushers who came out to help with the ushering duty for the week.  Along with that, I thank every member who attended and helped to receive and welcome those in attendance during the week.  
On Saturday morning, the Union County Missionary Union was back for their Annual Youth Day.   Several of our youth participated in the service and everyone was treated to hot dogs and other treats and drinks after the service.  Then on yesterday, many of you accompanied me to Mt. Moriah MBC to help them honor their pastor for 40 years of service.  We were treated to a delicious meal and the service was very nice and several pastors and ministers were there to give their support.  I delivered a short message and thankfully we were able to leave a nice love offering for Pastor Coble. 
There is nothing scheduled for this weekend but the following weekend the NAACP will be here on Saturday, April 28th for their “Woman of the Year” program in the Fellowship Hall which will start at 5:00 pm.  See Deacon Collins if you would like to attend. April is Registration Month which means all members need to access and update their church profiles. Our member profiles are kept and accessed online now.  You can use a computer, tablet or smartphone to access your profile.  If you don’t have one of these, it can be done at the church or you can ask someone to use theirs.  I along with several other members of the membership committee can assist you. 
Our Annual Meeting will be Saturday, May 19th at 2:00 pm.  So mark your calendar and note the change in the time.  As many of you may already know Dea. W. Evans and Bro. B. Funderburk will be stepping down as Director of Music and Usher President after many years of dedicated and faithful service.  If anyone is interested in becoming our next “Director of Music” or “Usher President” let me know as soon as possible.   And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “The Working Church”. 
The Church of Jesus Christ is the extension of His ministry to do the work He came to do on behalf of His and Our Father.  The world He came to save is increasing sinking into the quicksand of idolatry and unbelief aided in large part by our failure to do the works of Christ we are charged to carry on.  I hope to help us see the works we perform demonstrate our faith and salvation.  Works are not what save us but they are evidence of our salvation. 
It is by and through “The Working Church” God intends to spread the message of salvation to the world and we have the esteemed honor, privilege and responsibility of bringing God’s message to a lost and dying world by and through our works.  Sunday’s message was an introduction to the meaning and importance of works.  I hope you will take time to listen to the sermon again as we prepare to become “The Working Church”.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday April 9, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Sunday was Youth Day and we were blessed to have some of the youth do some things the adults usually do and they did a fine job.  They sang well and did everything else they were asked to do. After the service, the youth and anyone who wanted one was treated to hot dogs, drinks and other treats.  I want to thank the Youth Directors for their time and patience working with our youth.   
Later Sunday evening, the Countywide Crusade for Christ got off to a good start as people from around the county came to Flag Branch for the first night of the crusade.  Pastor Evans delivered a challenging sermon on the “The State of the Church”.  The Greater Grace Community MBC choir led the music for the evening service and provided ushers.  The crusade will continue tonight through Thursday and Rev. Brian Irving, the pastor of Northside MBC in Durham, will be the guest speaker for the week. 
The men had a productive breakfast Saturday and outlined some plans for remodeling the Fellowship Hall.  If things work out as planned, everyone should begin seeing some improvements in the coming weeks and months.  This Saturday, the Union County Union Youth will be at Flag Branch for their meeting.  I will be delivering a message.  Registration begins at 9:30 am.  The Young Adult ministry will meet later on that day at 5:00 pm.  The meetings don’t last long and all Young Adults are asked to make plans to be there.  
I will be the guest speaker at Rev. J. N. Coble’s 40th Pastoral Anniversary Service this Sunday, April 15th.  I believe dinner will be served before the service.   This will provide us with another opportunity to help bless and encourage another local pastor and congregation.  So, mark your calendars and help us to be a blessing to the Mt. Moriah church family.  The NAACP will be here on Saturday, April 28th for their “Woman of the Year” program in the Fellowship Hall which will start at 5:00 pm. See Deacon Collins if you would like to attend.   
April is Registration Month which means all members need to access and update their church profiles. Our member profiles are kept and accessed online now.  You can use a computer, tablet or smartphone to access your profile.  If you don’t have one of these, it can be done at the church or you can ask someone to use theirs.  I along with several other members of the membership committee can assist you.  Our Annual Meeting will be Saturday, May 19th at 2:00 pm.  So mark your calendar and note the change in the time.
As many of you may already know Dea. W. Evans and Bro. B. Funderburk will be stepping down as Director of Music and Usher President after many years of dedicated and faithful service.  If anyone is interested in becoming our next “Director of Music” or “Usher President” let me know as soon as possible.   
And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Believing In A Way to Live”.  Christianity is about believing in a way to live.  It’s about believing in the power of God to conquer death and preserve our precious gift of life forever.  While there may be other claims and religions that provide for a way of achieving that goal, for us as Christians, we believe that Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life” and He is the only way of salvation available to mankind. 
We should not put down other people’s beliefs nor speak disparagingly about them.  But neither should be back down or comprise what we believe to satisfy or placate someone’s religion or belief.  People without hope will try to ridicule us and discourage us from believing in God and our Lord Jesus Christ.  But life is so precious and unique and unlikely that we must believe it is a gift from a Divine Creator who intended for us to possess it forever.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan