Why We Care About Salvation Fine Points


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me, Pastor Jordan, for some Fine Points from Sunday’s service and message “Why We Care About Salvation”. 

Unfortunately, we were unable to broadcast, record and stream our live service yesterday.  If you attempted to join us online and were not able to find us, that is why.  Hopefully we will be back online next Sunday.  Thankfully, we were able to save the audio portion of yesterday’s sermon. 

Yesterday’s message focused on why people should care about salvation and why so many people do not or not enough.  Mankind has won what I characterized as the mega lottery of life.  Most people have not taken the time to consider just what that means. 

It means that of all life forms on our planet, from the smallest microscopic organism to the largest mammals and every type of species and creature, nothing compares to being born a fully functional human being.  It is a form of life that is Godlike. 

When we consider the incalculable number and different types of other lifeforms that are born, have been born and shall be born, the odds that one has been born human is astronomical. 

It is so rare when placed along side every other birth of every other lifeform it becomes practically impossible to calculate and fathom.  A life or soul so rare, so unique and so Godlike is a fortune and treasure that each person born human possesses.  As such, we should do everything within our ability and power to preserve it and not allow it to perish. 

That is why salvation, a means to avoid losing our great gift of a superior form of life, is so important and why we should care about it.  An attempt is made to make this point in the sermon along with reasons why people have failed to recognize and embrace the need for salvation. 

Human life in terms of its value and character is greater than every other form of life and was created to endure.  The hardest and most difficult part is over and behind us.  We have won the lottery of life.  That was the difficult part.  We are 99.9999 percent complete of reaching the fulfillment of the preservation of our great gift of life. 

Finding a way to secure that last fraction of a percent for salvation is why we should care.  We are so close and have come so far, it is foolish on our part to give up without a fight.  And that is what so many are doing and what Christianity to trying to avoid. 

For us, Christ is our best hope for salvation and preserving our wonderful gift that only the smallest fraction of lifeform have and had the opportunity enjoy and experience. 

As I look at my cat, he will never know what he is or what it meant to be alive and so many other things we as part of the human family can know and appreciate about life he and all others lifeforms cannot and will not know. 

We have already won.  It is this difference in us and the rest of all life on our planet that salvation is worth caring about. 

You can hear the complete sermon by clicking the sermon title above.  You can also see and listen to our previous Sunday School, Missions and BTU sessions by clicking this link.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices to get the latest news, updates and shortcuts to all of our ministries, functions and activities. 

Click the SS Daily Bible Readings for an excellent devotional and preparation for the upcoming Sunday School lesson.  Don’t forget to leave a comment or question down below.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments.


Pastor Jordan



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