The Right Side Fine Points


Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me, Pastor Jordan, for some Fine Points from Sunday’s service and message “The Right Side”. 

We are living in times where a growing number of people are not concerned whether something is wrong or right.  In fact, people care little about anything beyond their own interest or cause.  We are failing to see the cause of our being and existence as the paramount and driving motivation for how we should live our lives. 

Being on the right side is about being in alignment and agreement with that purpose and reason.  The right side in this instance goes beyond the immediate situation and is not the same thing as some would view a winning side. 

The right side is not either side of an issue people are made to choose between where only one of the two alternatives is seen as right.  Neither is it a function of how one stands in regard to another person, entity or cause.  The right side is not about how some future generation shall view the choice we made and decide if it was a historically right choice. 

The right side is the only place a person can stand, the only position a person can take, the only manner in which a person may live that agrees with the true and real reason we exist at all.  For believers, we believe that right side begins and ends with God. 

God is the beginning and ending of all things.  Seeking Him, obeying Him and following Him for them is the right side.  Whatever other choices and decisions we are called to make must be made in light of that fact. 

If this is not the right side, then what is it?  Some will say there is no right side while others will say they don’t know and still others say they are in search of it.  Believers have decided that there not only is a right side, but there must be a right side to explain and give meaning to their lives and existence.  For them that side is faith in the God of Creation and the work and words of Jesus Christ. 

You can hear the complete sermon by clicking the sermon title above.  You can also see and listen to our previous Sunday School, Missions and BTU sessions by clicking this link.  Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices to get the latest news, updates and shortcuts to all of our ministries, functions and activities. 

Click the SS Daily Bible Readings for an excellent devotional and preparation for the upcoming Sunday School study.  Don’t forget to leave a comment or question down below.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments.


Pastor Jordan



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