Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me, Pastor Jordan, for some Fine Points from Sunday’s service and message “The Life Of God”.
A purposeful and meaningful life is the difference in the life of God and no God. If God doesn’t exist and therefore has nothing to do with our presence here on this planet and in this world, what does that mean for humanity.
It means every measure of morality, goodness, success, character or quality used to evaluate human beings are arbitrary and simply ideas or thoughts people have. They are real only to the extent of existence in the mind of people.
In reality outside our minds, they don’t exist. The only way they can exist outside of our minds is for them to be imposed upon everyone from the outside by someone who has the power and authority to impose them.
Power meaning the right to enforce some consequence for how they are observed. Authority meaning a claim on exercising the power. The bible teaches us that God has both the authority and power to measure and evaluate the people He created and made.
Most, if not all things made, are designed to function and be used in a predetermined way. It doesn’t mean is it always used in that manner and other uses may be found and applied for it, but its function and use were predetermined.
Common sense informs us that God did not go to all the lengths we observe in the world and the universe to create it and us without a purpose and function that was predetermined. If we discover and follow that predetermined function, it will lead to the result for which we were created.
The bible teaches us we are and were created to live with God. If we ignore that function or if no function exists, we live our lives as Paul describes in the vanity or futility of our minds. In other words, we make up things to live by, pursue, and engage in based upon our efforts to fulfill our sensuous and lustful passions.
People without the life of God live this way and Paul insists in the Lord that believers not live like that. People who live like this, ruled and govern by passion, have eliminated or as Paul says alienate or deny themselves from the life of God or the life God wants them to have.
The life of God is the fulfillment of the purpose for which everything we observe including ourselves was made. This is why God has given us commands and laws to live by because without them we behave godless like beings without a clue to their purpose making up things according to our flesh to motivate, guide and direct us.
The life we are now experiencing is the first stage of a greater plan God has for us. But to get to the next stage of His plan, we must get through this stage of spiritual development. We are in the infancy stage where God has given us simple rules and commands to follow.
There are certain attributes and characteristics infants and then toddlers must pass through and master before entering the next stage of human growth. They don’t get to make the decisions to get to the next stage, but parents make the decisions for them. The same is true with us and God.
To get to the next stage of the life of God, God has made some decisions for us that are designed to get us to the next stage. If we follow them, we will continue to live with God and enter the next stage or phase of life. If we don’t follow them, we have cut ourselves off from the only source of life available to us and we shall be deprived of life with God or life of any kind.
All because we thought we knew better than God what we should do with our lives and that what we are doing with them would be and is better in some way than the life of God He has predetermined and designed for us. This is akin to an infant or toddler making choices about their lives they are incapable of making which will lead them all to death.
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Click the SS Daily Bible Readings for an excellent devotional and preparation for the upcoming Sunday School study. Don’t forget to leave a comment or question down below. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan