Greetings members and friends and welcome to another commentary and preview to this Sunday’s study of the Word. This Sunday’s study text is entitled “The Call Of Abram” and it is based on Genesis 12:1-5, 7; 15:1-7.
Today’s study is the biblical text that reveals God’s call of a certain man to trust and obey Him. That certain man’s name was initially Abram. Abram lived in a city or place call Ur presumably in a part of the world which we now call Iraq.
This call of Abram set in motion the means by which Jesus Christ would be born into the world and make possible salvation for all people. The Old Testament, and especially the earlier books, have many instances where God is said to have spoken to others. There are a few questions that naturally arise from reading that God spoke to anyone.
First, in what manner did He speak or what was His method of communication? The second question is how do those who wrote what was said have the context of the conversations? While the answer to both of these questions is somewhat mysterious, those of us who have faith in God nevertheless don’t discount the accuracy or truth of them.
Herein begins the journey of faith. Abram is called the father of faith. According to his call, God did not tell Him where he was going, but only to go where He shall send him. Most people will want to know where they are going before committing to go anywhere.
One of the key aspects of faith is not knowing what you believe. Abram was told to leave everything and everyone he knew behind and trust and obey the voice of God. The voice of God which Abram responded to promised to make him a great nation, to make his name great and to become a blessing to all people on the earth.
Faith has no way of knowing this will come to pass or happen. Faith believes it will. So Abram packed up all his possessions, his family and household including his nephew Lot, and began moving in the direction the Lord commanded him to go.
Abram ended up in Canaan where God spoke to him again. This time He told him He was giving the land of Canaan to him and his descendants. Even though there were people already living there, the land they were on didn’t belong to them. For the earth belongs to the Lord and no person on it has any claim or right to any part of it.
The second portion of the study text says the Lord appeared to Abram in a vision and told Him that He was his shield and exceedingly great reward. This prompted Abram to ask about his heritage and descendants.
Abram was getting older and did not have a biological son of his own. He had many slaves and servants whom he loved and respected. If he did not have a son or child of his own, they his property would be left to a cherished servant.
But God took this opportunity to reassure him as he was aging that a slave or servant would not be his heir, but that he would have a biological child who would be his heir. Not only that, but God asked him to look up and count the stars. They were too numerous to count. He told him his descendants shall also be just like that, too numerous to count. Again, Abram believed what God said.
Here again is our example of faith. Not knowing how, but believing it will. All of Abram descendants include those who have the faith of Abram. God counts them righteous as He did Abram because of their faith.
Jesus is the seed of Abram. Through His works, words and sacrifice He has completed what God started with His call to Abram. It was and is God’s intention to bless and save the world through grace and faith.
There were others with faith before Abram like Abel and Noah just to mention a few. But it was Abram that God put in motion His redemptive plan to save humanity whom He calls Abram’s descendants by faith and the grace bought by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Well, be sure to look over the study again and come prepared to offer your comments, questions and perspective on the meaning of the study. If you can’t attend your own Sunday School class this Sunday, you can join us live and online at 9:00 am at and clicking the online services link. You can also join us live by dialing 508 924-2890. If you have any comments or questions, be sure to place them in the comment section or you can share them on Sunday. So, let’s all have a great lesson and discussion this Sunday and remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan