Greetings members and friends and welcome to another commentary and preview to this Sunday’s study of the Word. This Sunday’s study text is entitled “The Paschal Lamb Lives” and it is based on Matthew 28:1-10.
Of all the events recorded in human history, it is difficult to find one that is more significant or has had a greater impact on humanity that the resurrection of Jesus from among the dead. Today’s study text describes what took place early Sunday morning at the break of day when several of Jesus female companions and associates arrived at His tomb to anoint His body for burial.
This event is central to the Christian faith. Without it, there is no Christian faith and no message of redemption for humanity. It is the most unlikely of events, yet it endures and survives. Many things have been done to discredit this story of Jesus resurrection, including persecuting believers unto death. Nothing has worked.
Could it be that all the efforts since this event took place in this scripture to discredit it until this present moment have all failed because it happened just as it is recorded here in this text? My personal belief is yes.
Yet the threat to stop Christianity from spreading in not by discrediting the resurrection, for after 2000 years, that has failed. What seriously threatens to stop the spread of Christianity is disingenuous worship by those who claim to be the followers and believers in Christ.
The Apostles wrote to the Church in the early days and warned of this as the major threat to the survival of the Church. They never mentioned disbelief in the resurrection or attacks to discredit the resurrection as a threat to the spread of the gospel message. They wrote and taught as if this was never a question, issue or threat.
However, they repeated the threat of false doctrine, teaching and worship practices as the major threats to the church. And through the ages, the church has managed to survived many of these challenges.
Today, the main message of the gospel of loving God and other people as ourselves is not practiced in reality by a large majority of those proclaiming Christ as Savior. Instead of living this out in daily life, the primary focus of many naming Christ from the pulpits to the door is on cultural and political issues, on wealth and prosperity, on changing established teaching and doctrine to suit or fit lifestyle choices and many other issues and causes unrelated to the gospel all in the name of Jesus.
In addition to all these things, another major problem is that the grace of God is used as an excuse and crutch for not living the life we are called to live and for doing the things we are doing instead of living the life.
Belief in the resurrection of the “Paschal” or Passover Lamb of God in not the problem and never has been. If Jesus did not rise, Christianity would have died from this fact alone before it ever got started 2000 years ago.
If it couldn’t be disproved way back then, it is impossible to disprove, or even for that matter to prove, it now. It is a fact that can only be believed or not believed now. But believing in the resurrection is not sufficient for salvation.
Along with believing that Jesus rose from the dead is required a confession of Lordship faith unto righteousness. See Romans 10:9-10. A righteousness that is evident by how we love God and our fellow man.
The Church of Jesus Christ has survived difficult and serious self-inflicted trials, not because of disproof of the resurrection, but because of disingenuous worship and practices. Today it is experiencing another one of those self-inflicted wounds.
Just as it took true worshippers to contend for the faith in the past, it is going to take those same worshippers to content and save the church today. The resurrection is settled doctrine and fact we believe. Now, let’s live the life His resurrection calls upon us to live.
Well, be sure to look over the study again and come prepared to offer your comments, questions and perspective on the meaning of the study. If you can’t attend your own Sunday School class this Sunday, you can join us live and online at 9:00 am at and clicking the online services link.
You can also join us live by dialing 508 924-2890. If you have any comments or questions, be sure to place them in the comment section or you can share them on Sunday. So, let’s all have a great lesson and discussion this Sunday and remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan