Greetings members and friends and welcome to another commentary and preview to this Sunday’s study of the Word. This Sunday’s study text is entitled “Nathan Condemns David” and it is based on 2 Samuel 12:1-14.
Today’s study recalls one of the most infamous incidents recorded in the bible. It is an incident involving the king of Israel and the man said to be after God’s own heart. David is the man God chose to be king after He rejected Saul for not obeying Him. He was a man who believed God and followed Him with his whole heart.
Despite how much David loved the Lord, He allowed his flesh, his own will and desire, to come before his obedience to the will of God. We may think it to be a minor offense to disobey God, but disobedience in all of its forms can have major consequences.
David had contempt for God’s law and may have thought that one indiscretion can’t be that bad when he decided to commit adultery. But what David failed to realize in that moment is just how holy God’s law’s are and they that must never be set aside for our own will.
To set aside or have contempt for God’s law is like being in possession of something that is extremely sterile and must never be soiled in any manner and placing in on the ground in order to lay hold of something we want.
We have treated it as something common, defiled it and failed to give it the respect it is due. And once we do it once, it becomes easier to do it again and again. David didn’t stop with adultery, but proceeded to murder as he continued to have contempt for God’s holy law to satisfy his flesh.
The study text focus is on what happened after David got what he wanted. God’s prophet confronted David with a story with illustrated contempt and selfishness. David was justly outraged toward the one who was guilty of these sins and pronounced death upon him.
Nathan informed him that he was the man guilty of these sins. David admitted his guilt. But unlike others who have disobeyed God like Saul, God did not withdraw His mercy from David.
None of us deserve God’s mercy for acting with contempt toward God and His laws. Yet God chooses to have mercy on some of us and others He doesn’t. Nevertheless, David suffered for his sins. The child he had with Bathsheba who did nothing but be born died as a consequence of David’s sin.
So even if we are forgiven and receive God’s mercy, there are consequences for sin. Because of what David did, it soiled God’s name and person before others which could cause them to have less respect for Him. The same is true with all who name Christ as Lord when other see us breaking His commandments. It causes them to have even less respect for our faith and God in addition to bring on the consequences of sin.
Like David, we may have contempt for God’s law and say to ourselves that this or that disobedience is not big deal in order to have what we want. And it is usually not until after we have received what we wanted that our sin catches up to us.
Finally, what was the difference between David and Saul? Both were kings, both were anointed, both were disobedient. Why did David receive mercy and Saul did not? This is a good question and I don’t know for sure.
But if I was to offer an explanation today, I would say that David, and those like him who receive God’s mercy, was truly repentant of what he did and realized the gravity of what he did and resolved within himself never to do it again. Read Psalm 51.
Never do what again? Never have contempt for God’s holiness by laying aside His holy law down in the dirt of disrespect and ordinary so we can grab hold of some forbidden or unclean person or thing we want despite what it may do to us, do to others and do to God’s holy name and reputation.
Well, be sure to look over the study again and come prepared to offer your comments, questions and perspective on the meaning of the study. If you can’t attend your own Sunday School class this Sunday, you can join us live and online at 9:00 am at and clicking the online services link.
You can also join us live by dialing 508 924-2890. If you have any comments or questions, be sure to place them in the comment section or you can share them on Sunday. So, let’s all have a great lesson and discussion this Sunday and remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan