Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back. This month’s focus is “Called into Covenant With God”. The first lesson in this unit was entitled “God’s Covenant With Abram”. In that lesson, we were able to see the beginning of God’s redemptive plan for mankind. Today’s lesson entitled “God’s Covenant With Israel” takes place some 400 years later.
By this time, God’s promise to multiply Abraham’s seed was beginning to take shape. Under God’s direction and protection, Moses had gone to Egypt and delivered Abraham’s descendants from slavery and brought them to the base of Mount Sinai. Abraham’s seed had grown to the size of a nation of millions and were called Israel, the name of Abraham’s grandson Jacob. God had a special plan and task for them in His overall plan to redeem mankind. He was ready to instruct and enter into covenant with them just as He had done with Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
It was a great scene as God’s presence descended upon the mountain with fire and smoke and trumpet sounds. The people were told to prepare and sanctify themselves and stand at the foot of the mountain as God enters into covenant with them. Moses was the mediator of the covenant between the Israel and God and was allowed to stand on the mountain. He received and delivered the Law of God from God to the people. Many years later, our Lord Jesus Christ mediated a new covenant just as Moses did between God and the whole world.
One of the main points of this lesson is the seriousness we should take entering into covenant with God. It is not something to be taken lightly and can be fatal if not entered in properly. The people were warned not to trespass the boundaries God had set around the mountain. If they trespassed the boundary, they would die. We today have boundaries God has set for us to keep us from death and destruction. Trespass of these boundaries also result in death. You can get a deeper understanding of this lesson by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS books and on our website and mobile app. Well, that’s all for this week’s preview. Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of God’s call into covenant. So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan