SS Preview July 23, 2017

Greetings Everyone
It’s time once again for the Sunday School Lesson Preview.  Thanks for joining me and welcome back.    This month’s unit title is “Calling of Prophets” as we look at God’s call of some Old Testament prophets.  We have already previewed Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah.  In this week’s lesson entitled “Ezekiel’s Call” we take a look at the calling of the prophet Ezekiel. 
Ezekiel is another one of the major prophets.  His ministry lasted about 22 years and occurred at the same time Jeremiah was prophesying in Jerusalem.  Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel were priest before being called in the ministry.  Ezekiel was among the first group of exiles taken captive during the first Babylonian assault on Jerusalem.  He began his prophetic ministry about five years after that captivity at the age of 30.  His message, like Jeremiah, warned of God’s judgement for their disobedience and their misplaced trust in Egypt and the temple to save them.  After the destruction of Jerusalem, he foretells of the coming messiah and the coming kingdom of God. 
Ezekiel prophesies included symbols and images some of which are also found in Revelations (4:7).  Ezekiel is known for the Lord’s Chariot and the Valley of Dry Bones.  In his call, God gave him a book and told him to eat it.  That book contained His words to Israel and he was to speak them to Israel without fear.  God knew they would not hear or listen to him, but He wanted them to know that a prophet had come to them. 
Like many of the prophets, there is no mention of his death in the bible.  To learn more about Ezekiel and his ministry click on his name.  Also, you can access the SS lesson scriptures on the go anywhere and anytime through our website.  So, let’s prepare to have a great discussion on Sunday as we take a closer look at “Ezekiel’s Call” and the implications it has for us today.
Pastor Jordan

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