SS Preview July 2, 2017

Welcome Back Sunday Schoolers
It’s time once again for our weekly preview of this Sunday’s lesson entitled “Moses and the Burning Bush”.  Thanks for joining me.  The lesson theme for the month of July is “Calling of Prophets”. These lessons will look at how God called various prophets at different times for specific purposes. Included in this unit are the calls and responses of Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Amos. 
The prophets are called by God to deliver a divine message to a group of people.  A prophet’s message may announce a change, warn of judgement, give instructions, call people back to God, or foretell of a coming event among other things.  The first of the prophets in this unit is Moses.  Moses is the first of the major prophets and unique among them.  Major prophets are so named because of the length of their ministry and the reach and impact of their messages on their audience. 
Moses is unique among prophets because he had a relationship with God that was unlike any other prophet until Jesus.  He was God’s lawgiver and the mediator of the covenant between God and the nation of Israel.  He was also a deliverer from Egyptian bondage or enslavement and leader of the people to the Promised Land.  The work and ministry of Jesus Christ has many parallels and similarities to Moses’s ministry.  This is why Jesus is said to be a prophet like Moses because of the scope and impact of his work. 
Moses’s call by God was preordained in the manner of his deliverance from Pharaoh’s edict that the first born of Israel die, by the fact he became a prince of Egypt, and by his discovery and embracing of his heritage and preparation for his assignment.  His call was also dramatic by the way God spoke to him from a burning bush that would not burn up. 
To learn more about Moses click on his name.  Also, you can access the SS lesson scriptures on the go anywhere and anytime through our website.  So, let’s prepare to have a great discussion on Sunday as we take a closer look at “Moses and the Burning Bush” and the implications it has for us today.
Pastor Jordan

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