SS Preview Feb. 18, 2018

Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  The Winter Quarter entitled “Faith In Action” explores faith as both belief and action.  The February unit is entitled “Self-controlled, Upright, and Godly Faith” and looks at passages from the books of Acts, James, and 1 Timothy emphasizing the importance of faith authenticated by works and faith that helps to transform lives.  This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Faithful Disciples or Looking for Help”. 
In all the bible, I only know of five instances where someone who was dead came back to life that didn’t involve Jesus Himself.  One involving Elijah (1 Kings 17:17-22) and two involving Elisha (2 Kings 4:32-35; 13:20-21) both prophets in the Old Testament.  The other two involved the Apostle Paul (Acts 20:9-10) and the Apostle Peter which is in our lesson today.  Tabitha ( or Dorcas) was a highly respected and well-loved disciple who lived in Joppa.  She was kind, worked with her hands to make coats and garments and did many good deed and helped others.  
If you recall, Joppa was where Peter was staying when he received the vision and call to go preach to Cornelius and the gentiles.  He was in Joppa, because Joppa was near to Lydda where Peter had come to minster to the saints that were there.  While in Lydda, Peter healed a man who had been cripple for 8 years and the news spread and many became believers.  After Tabitha died, messengers were sent to Lydda to ask Peter to come quickly to Joppa. 
The exact reason for them sending for Peter is unclear.  Maybe they wanted Peter to say a few words at her funeral and comfort them in some matter being new to the faith.  Maybe they needed some reassurance after someone who was so unselfish and loving could be taken away from them.  In any case, I don’t believe they had any hope of Peter raising her from the dead.  Likewise, I doubt if Peter went to Joppa with the intent to raise Tabitha from the dead.  Regardless of the circumstances that brought Peter and Tabitha together it provided an opportune time for God to use them as a witness for His kingdom.  There is no other record of Peter raising anyone else. 
While the scripture reports that many believed after this, God does not want our faith to rely on miracles beyond what He has already done.  Some miracles were and are necessary for God to prove himself and His power.  Beyond that, God wants us to take Him at His word.  Both Tabitha and Peter were faithful disciples of Jesus and both of them spend much of their time helping others.  They both represent fine examples for us to follow because they represent the unselfish, caring and giving nature of Jesus Himself. 
When we or someone very close to us dies, odds are there will be no one to bring us back like the four individuals beside Jesus did for five different people.  However, we have God’s word and promise He will bring us back at an appointed time.  The question is whether or not we have faith to believe it.  You can get a better understanding of this lesson by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS book which can also be accessed through our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of Faith In Action.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

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