Post Sunday May 8, 2017

Greeting FB!

I hope we all woke up today thinking about “Saving Souls”.  Well if you didn’t, I want to remind you of our calling and purpose.  If Jesus is truly our Lord and Savior, then his mission is our mission.  Do you ever wonder why He said “I never knew you”.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because they never identified with His mission.  Let this be a turning point for all of us as we begin to acknowledge ourselves as the “Savers of Souls”
Those of you who installed our church app are receiving this message from me.  It is a great tool for interacting with members and friends of the church.  Share our app with others especially members who are technologically challenged or intimidated.  Help them to download and install our church app.
We had a nice time at Pleasant Plain yesterday along with a nice turnout of support.  They had a really nice program and the food was good.  The sermon was entitled “How Could They Not Know” and is available on the sermon playlist. 
Let’s have a good week as we count down to Sunday.  Happy Monday.
Pastor Jordan

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