The Shepherd’s Voice
The Shepherd’s Voice is one of our pastor’s communications extension to the Church, our friends and the world. He uses it as a way to reach out to our faith community while providing spiritual insight and perspectives to the sermon messages and events and issues of our day. We are welcomed and encouraged to comment on any of the messages by clicking the “Fine or Main Point” link you want to comment on, going to the bottom of the page and filling in and Submitting the Reply at the end of the message. Most of the blogs have audio playback so we can listen to as well as read them. We hope you are blessed and inspired by our Shepherd’s Voice.
Jan '20
Fine Points Monday January 27 2020
Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |
Jan '20
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Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message.
As I write this blog today, many people find it difficult to believe that former NBA superstar Kobe Bryant, his thirteen year old daughter, another 13-year old and six others including 3 members of one family and two of another all perished after a helicopter they were in crashed on a hillside in California yesterday. Kobe was 41 years old.
We hear of people dying in accidents all the time. What is different about this one is that for many this wasn’t suppose to happen to Kobe. They see much of themselves in Kobe. Kobe had all things many people seek in life and was at a point in his life where he was suppose to enjoy what he had achieved.
This accident exposes how fame, fortune, good will or anything else can’t protect or shield anyone from the sudden and importune call of death. And now just a few fine points from yesterday’s message “Born Believers”.
People are born believers. Our beliefs inform us about our world. We make decisions based on what we believe. Belief in God is at the core of salvation in Christ. Those who believe they were created and that their Creator has power to set the conditions for their existence have the right or privilege to become the children of God.
God’s children were born by the will of God because of what they would believe. Their birth is not by accident, by nature or by any will of man or flesh. But their birth is the result of the will of God. God made the decision to allow those who would receive Him to come forth despite that those who would not receive Him would come forth alongside them.
God deemed it acceptable to allow evil to exist in order for His children to exist. God didn’t will evil and the birth of those who would reject Him as their Creator. But both are a result of His will for the birth of His children. Every person has the power to become a child of God because God gave all people the power to choose what they believe and how they act upon those beliefs.
An aspect of belief is called faith and it is by grace through faith that we are saved. Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Jan '20
Fine Points Monday January 20 2020
Posted on Jan 20, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |
Jan '20
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message.
Today in MLK, Jr. National Holiday and many schools, government offices and financial institutions are closed today in honor of the holiday. This holiday represents a significant acknowledgement in the struggle for full citizenship rights for all Americans and African-American citizens particularly.
The circumstances that led to the enslavement of people of African descent is complex and the roots of those circumstances are deeply embedded in this nation. There are those today who continue to manipulate the aspirations and fears of people against other people at the expense of peace, harmony and prosperity for all in order to line their pocket with filthy lucre.
Let us pray that they are exposed for the uncaring, heartless greedy people they are and that the eyes of those who have been blinded by their foul tactics of hate and divisiveness will see them for the manipulators they are.
And now a few comments on yesterday’s message “A Faithful Few”. Jesus made it clear that a few would be saved. The word “few” is subjective and hard to quantify. However, I believed Jesus used the word to drive home the idea that the way to life is not one that should be taken likely.
He used the same word again in a parable to describe faithfulness. The riddle suggest that believers need to demonstrate faithfulness in a few things to prove their worthiness for an upgraded status. Our status as believers is that of slaves or bond persons of God and righteousness.
English translations of the word for slave or bond person in most English language bibles is servant. But the word servant in our current vernacular has lost the meaning of involuntary servitude or slave or someone held in bonds.
The slaves in the parable were tasked with improving upon what the king or lord had placed in their charge. Though the king was not there, some faithfully carried out their assignment and thereby improved upon what was given to them. Others ignored their master’s command and behaved liked free persons.
Likewise, a few things have been placed in our possession which our Master has called upon us to improve upon. Among those things are our bodies, conversations, relationships, money, time and gifts and talents. These are only a few things but we must be faithful over them for our Lord (Master) to conclude we can be trusted with many more far valuable things including life with Him.
We don’t have the option to pick and choose what we will be faithful over nor the option to do nothing as a slave in the parable did. If Jesus is truly our Lord, we demonstrate that by our service and obedience to His word as if we have no choice but to obey.
This is what the Master or Lord calls a good and faithful servant or slave. The parable speaks to a faithful few who are faithful over a few things. Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Jan '20
Fine Points Monday Jan 12 2020
Posted on Jan 13, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |
Jan '20
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message. Our Annual Missionary Day service was held yesterday and Rev. D. S. Taylor brought the afternoon message accompanied by members of East Rock Ford MBC.
Pastor Taylor’s message was entitled “Get Your House In Order”. In this message he emphasized the importance of being “born again”. By being born again, we will be ready for the eventuality of death no matter how and when it comes. In addition to East Rock Ford, several other local churches were in attendance. Everyone was treated to a nice dinner between the morning and afternoon service.
And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “Living Dilemma”. A dilemma occurs when the solutions to a problem all have elements that are unwanted or undesirable. This is the case when God was faced with the choice of creating mankind.
If He created him, he would reject his creator and become a slave to sin. Sin in turn would lead to all manner of evil and his destruction. If He didn’t create mankind, He and His offspring would be denied the opportunity of eternal joy and peace and glory of God. Either choice was not one God desired. But in the end, God decided to give us life knowing that majority of people would reject Him from reigning over them.
This is what happened when Israel wanted a king to rule or judge them like other nations. God explained to Samuel that their request was a continuation of mankind’s and Israel’s in particular rejection of His rulership. God is still encountering the same rejection today. Man would rather be a slave to sin instead of God.
But not all people would and will reject God’s rulership and it is for their sakes God made man and a world in which He knew sin and evil would be prevalent. But out of this would emerge a people God could adopt as His children. The senseless death, cruelty, evil and destruction as a result of sin is not something desired, but neither was the denial of His children the right to be or live.
When faced with this dilemma, God chose to allow the consequences of sin so His children would be born. Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Jan '20
Fine Points Monday January 13 2020
Posted on Jan 13, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |
Jan '20
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message. Our Annual Missionary Day service was held yesterday and Rev. D. S. Taylor brought the afternoon message accompanied by members of East Rock Ford MBC.
Pastor Taylor’s message was entitled “Get Your House In Order”. In this message he emphasized the importance of being “born again”. By being born again, we will be ready for the eventuality of death no matter how and when it comes. In addition to East Rock Ford, several other local churches were in attendance. Everyone was treated to a nice dinner between the morning and afternoon service.
And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “Living Dilemma”. A dilemma occurs when the solutions to a problem all have elements that are unwanted or undesirable. This is the case when God was faced with the choice of creating mankind.
If He created him, he would reject his creator and become a slave to sin. Sin in turn would lead to all manner of evil and his destruction. If He didn’t create mankind, He and His offspring would be denied the opportunity of eternal joy and peace and glory of God. Either choice was not one God desired. But in the end, God decided to give us life knowing that majority of people would reject Him from reigning over them.
This is what happened when Israel wanted a king to rule or judge them like other nations. God explained to Samuel that their request was a continuation of mankind’s and Israel’s in particular rejection of His rulership. God is still encountering the same rejection today. Man would rather be a slave to sin instead of God.
But not all people would and will reject God’s rulership and it is for their sakes God made man and a world in which He knew sin and evil would be prevalent. But out of this would emerge a people God could adopt as His children. The senseless death, cruelty, evil and destruction as a result of sin is not something desired, but neither was the denial of His children the right to be or live.
When faced with this dilemma, God chose to allow the consequences of sin so His children would be born. Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Jan '20
Fine Points Monday January 6 2020
Posted on Jan 6, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |
Jan '20
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message.
Our Annual Missionary Day service will be held this Sunday, January 12th at 2:30 pm. The guest preacher for the occasion will be Rev. D. S. Taylor who is the pastor of East Rock Ford MBC in Wadesboro. All members are asked to bring a special offering of $25 for the program. Dinner will be served between services.
And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “Terms of Acceptance”. The family of many deceased people often state in their loved one’s obituary that he or she accepted Christ at an early age. The fact is that acceptance is much more that that joining a church or being baptized. Acceptance is not done in isolation, but involves another party or set of conditions or circumstances.
In the case of Christianity, acceptance centers around a relationship that is a covenant or agreement between individuals and Christ. The relationship is one of master and slave or Lord and servant. This is the only relationship that is acceptable to God. It is in no way degrading or demeaning like the enslaving men do to other men.
But this relationship is about allowing God to be in charge and deciding what we can and can not do without overruling his decision. Slaves are not allowed and cannot overrule the master’s decision without undoing the relationship. So whenever someone says a person accepted Christ, they may not understand that what they are saying is a person accepted a relationship in which Christ is their master and they are his slave.
However, that is rarely the case. Because most people don’t adhere to Christ as their master and do what they please. So saying we accepted Christ and submitting to the relationship is not always the same thing. And most people don’t know or understand this.
Furthermore, the terms of acceptance cannot just be agreeable to us, but they must be agreeable to Christ as well. In a covenant, which is symbolized when we partake of the Lord’s Supper, both parties must agree to the terms and uphold their part of the agreement in order for the covenant to be honored.
The terms of the agreement are nonnegotiable. God is the master and we are the slave. As Master, he has the right to dictate and decide the bound of our lives and conduct. As slaves, we cannot challenge or overrule His decisions, but must carry they out.
Unlike involuntary servitude where chains and enslavement is forced upon people and they are compelled into acceptance of something they don’t want, Christianity is just the opposite. Christians voluntarily accept the Master-Slave relationship because it is good for them.
God is a great Slave Master and treats us like His children and provides and gives us all the things we need and takes care of things we don’t have to be concerned with. This is why Apostle Paul proclaimed himself to be the slave of the Lord in his correspondence to his Christian brothers and sisters.
Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Dec '19
Fine Points Monday December 30 2019
Posted on Dec 30, 2019 in Pastoral Messages |
Dec '19
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message.
As we approach the final hours of another year, we have much to be thankful for. Not least of which is our life, health and strength. On tomorrow, which is New Year’s Eve, at 5:00 pm we will be observing a Watch Night service as our final service of the year.
It will provide us with a perfect opportunity to give thanks for all the blessings of the previous year and to call upon God to help us in the year ahead. In case you didn’t know, the dress is casual.
Show and Tell was held during our BTU hour and there were many presenters. The youth department in particular was very good. Unfortunately, we do not have the video for many parts of the presentation. We will make available some of what was captured on our YouTube channel.
Our Missionary Day is right around the corner and will be held on Sunday, January 12th at 2:30 pm. The guest preacher for the occasion will be Rev. D. S. Taylor who is the pastor of East Rock Ford MBC in Wadesboro. All members are asked to bring a special offering of $25 for the program. Dinner will be served between services.
And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “Coming To Grips With Death”. Death is the enemy of life and mankind and Satan has used the fear of it to keep us in bondage. But the good news is that Jesus has defeated Satan and conquered death and has given us a weapon to use against death that can defeat and overcome it.
That weapon is faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But like any weapon, it is useless to have if knowledge of its use is not known or utilized. For example, a gun can be a powerful weapon against a hostile enemy, put it can’t help the person who possesses it if that person doesn’t know how to load it, aim it or pull the trigger.
Likewise, the gospel provides us with everything we need to overcome death, but it is useless if we don’t know it or use it properly. Just knowing about the gospel and not applying it is equivalent to having a gun and not being able to use it against an enemy.
By coming to grips with death, we begin to and make a real effort to understand, accept and deal with the problem of death from a Christian perspective. We begin to face our enemy head on by applying the gospel of Jesus Christ and facing the reality of our worship, our praise and our faith.
Too many people are misled into believing that the proper application of the gospel is not required to enter into heaven and overcome death. There are far too many of us who are seeking a way to overcome death by the fact we come to church or listen to the gospel or profess to be Christians or do something that shows we have an interest in overcoming death.
But until we begin to rightfully apply the gospel of Jesus Christ, all the other things will prove insufficient. Coming to grips with death means we understand and accept the challenge and threat death poses and are ready to apply the full measure of the gospel to confront and overcome our enemy.
So, if we are serious about conquering death, let’s make sure we leave no stone unturned. Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Dec '19
Fine Points Monday December 23 2019
Posted on Dec 23, 2019 in Pastoral Messages |
Dec '19
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message.
There are only two days before Christmas and I hope you have made plans to attend Christmas morning service along with your family and friends. Let’s make Christmas Day about what is it and suppose to be which is the gift of God in the birth of Jesus Christ. Remember to come dressed causal in what you intend to wear the rest of the day.
Show and Tell will be here Sunday and I am looking forward to hearing from all of you as you share or recite something spiritual, scriptural, historical, inspirational or biographical. We will share what you say and bring with others on our Youtube channel.
On New Year’s Eve we will be in a Year-End service we have traditionally called Watch Night but this year we will begin at 5:00 pm instead of 10:00 pm. This service will give all of us the opportunity to reflect on the year that was, to thank and honor God for allowing us to see the end of another year and to pray and ask for His continued blessings and guidance as we enter another year. I hope you all will attend and bring someone with you.
Our Missionary Day is right around the corner and will be held on Sunday, January 12th at 2:30 pm. The guest preacher for the occasion will be Rev. D. S. Taylor who is the pastor of East Rock Ford MBC in Wadesboro. All members are asked to bring a special offering of $25 for the program. Dinner will be served between services. And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “Receiving Added Things”.
Jesus referred to those things that take care of human needs as added things. Jesus understood that we are need driven creatures and that we would seek to satisfy our most basic needs first. Those needs include things like food, water and clothing.
But Jesus insist that instead of seeking to satisfy those needs we should seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and the fulfillment of all of our other needs would be added unto us. Unbelievers and Gentiles seek to fulfill their needs with added things as Jesus calls them.
But believers will seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness before added things and allow God to give them the added things that fulfill human need. People make lots of mistakes attempting to satisfy their needs based on their senses, desires and thoughts. But God is it a superior position to not only know what we need but what it takes and the best way to meet and satisfy those needs.
Finally, something added will never replace something required no matter how many needs they attempt to satisfy. We as God’s creatures are required to seek His kingdom and righteousness before anything else. And if we do that, all the added things will be given unto us that not only meet our human needs but prepare us for our eternal destiny with God.
Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Dec '19
Fine Point Monday December 16, 2017
Posted on Dec 16, 2019 in Pastoral Messages |
Dec '19
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message.
There is only one Sunday remaining before our December Show and Tell on the 5th Sunday. I am looking forward to hearing and seeing what some of you have prepared to do.
Our Senior Christmas Luncheon was held Saturday and an enjoyable time was had by all who attended. Hopefully, there will be some pictures and video of the luncheon to share with you soon.
A week from Wednesday will be Christmas. I hope you have already made plans to attend Christmas morning service along with your family and friends. Remember the dress for the occasion is causal.
Our Watch Night service this year will begin at 5:00 pm instead of 10:00 pm and go until 7:00 pm. We are trying something different this year in hopes that it will improve the year end worship experience. And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “Held to Account”.
Anyone who is self-sustaining, needs no outside help or assistance and can do whatever they choose without answering to anyone or anything else is sovereign. Nations and kings and rulers are sometime referred to as being sovereign when no other nation or person can tell another nation or king what to do or force them to do something.
However, God is the only truly sovereign being. Who or what is able to object to anything God has done, is doing or shall do? Everybody and everything else in heaven and earth is subject to God, dependent upon Him for existence and is answerable to Him for all He provides for them. That includes all people who dwell on the earth.
In order to live in peace and harmony, human societies agree to and enact laws to govern or control their behavior. Anyone living within that society who violates those laws are answerable to or held to account by the people of that society.
Just as people hold other people to account for violating established law and expectations, even more so God shall require mankind to give an account of how we have used everything of His we didn’t create or own and how we violated His divine law by their use.
It’s not that God doesn’t want us using His things, but it’s that He has given us commands and laws that govern their proper use. The problem occurs when we not only refuse to obey those commands, but many even refuse to acknowledge their existence. For this, man will be held to account and will answer for his flagrant and willful disregard of God’s law.
Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Dec '19
Fine Points Monday December 9 2019
Posted on Dec 9, 2019 in Pastoral Messages |
Dec '19
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message. Everyone is reminded to prepare your presentation for Show and Tell the 5th Sunday morning during BTU.
Recite a scriptural passage or poem (no reading), give a biography of an important and influential person, share an important date or contribution in black history, cite the books of the bible in the old or new testament or share some Baptist or Christian history just to name a few things you can do. The more everyone participates the better it will be.
Our Senior Christmas Luncheon will be held Saturday, Dec. 14th at Hilltop starting at 12:00 pm. Be sure to spread the word around so our seniors can get there.
We will be keeping the focus of Christmas where it belongs which is on Jesus on Christmas morning at 11:00 am. Invite and bring your family and friends to Christmas Day service and dress causal.
Our Watch Night service this year will begin at 5:00 pm instead of 10:00 pm and go until 7:00 pm. We are trying something different this year in hopes that it will improve the year end worship experience. And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “A Believer’s View of the Cosmos”.
Cosmos is the Greek word we translate “world” in the bible. However, “world” does not capture the full meaning of “cosmos”. World essentially has the meaning of the seen place in which we live and share a planet with other living and nonliving things.
But “cosmos” not only includes this, but everything that is. There are still things in our finite world that are unseen and undiscovered. How much more are unknown and unseen things in the cosmos of which our planet is like a grain of sand.
Christianity offers us a pathway to this unknown and unseen reality that we can’t detect with our five senses. It is the place where God dwells which is hidden from our detection. Yet we are not hidden from God. We can deduce hidden things from the things that are seen.
It is not unreasonable to believe that we are being observed and heard. The important aspects of our life are recorded and saved somehow. For if we believe in prayer, then someone must be close enough to hear us, observe us and help us in response to our prayer yet they remain unseen. If no one is there, there is no point of praying. Yet I, along with others, will testify to the power and viability of prayer.
There are other seen examples such as the real thoughts, feelings and emotions people experience yet they themselves are unseen. They have no shape, color, weight or height, no sound or smell, they can’t be touched and can’t be seen. Yet they exist and inhabit our being.
Paul says that the gospel of Jesus Christ is about these unseen things and the means of getting there. Our physical man or seen man comes under assault as we pursue this hidden place many call heaven. But the breakdown of the physical man is only building up the spiritual man and leading to the glory of the eternal.
So we must not focus on what we see, but on what we can’t see which are the hidden things of God contained in the cosmos. By focusing on what is seen, we will lose sight of what is important. By focusing on the unseen, we pursue that which is eternal and everlasting.
Knowing then that someone is watching us who we can’t see should make us all the more conscience about what we are being seen and heard doing which affects our eternal destination. And this is why the way we view the world or our world view is so important to what be believe is possible which in turn affects our belief in the bible as the word and promises of God.
Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Dec '19
Fine Points Monday December 2 2019
Posted on Dec 2, 2019 in Pastoral Messages |
Dec '19
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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message. Everyone is reminded to prepare your presentation for Show and Tell the 5th Sunday morning during BTU.
Recite a scriptural passage or poem (no reading), give a biography of an important and influential person, share an important date or contribution in black history, cite the books of the bible in the old or new testament or share some Baptist or Christian history just to name a few things you can do. The more everyone participates the better it will be.
Our Senior Christmas Luncheon will be held next Saturday, Dec. 14th at Hilltop starting at 12:00 pm. Be sure to spread the word around so our seniors can get there. We will be keeping the focus of Christmas where it belongs which is on Jesus on Christmas morning at 11:00 am. Invite and bring your family and friends to Christmas Day service and dress causal.
Our Watch Night service this year will begin at 5:00 pm instead of 10:00 pm and go until 7:00 pm. We are trying something different this year in hopes that it will improve the year end worship experience. And now just a few comments on yesterday’s message “Apathy: A Result of Discontent”.
One of the reasons church members don’t give the time, attention, devotion and dedication to the church that we should is apathy caused by discontent. Apathy means church members are indifferent to the success and well-being of the church. Apathy means church members provide lackluster, unenthusiastic, inconsistent grudging service to the Lord through the church.
Apathy means church members come to church not seeking to be on time or make the worship experience special for someone else but instead with an attitude that says “ok I’m here” not to mention those who don’t even bother to come. This apathy is caused in part by discontent which is dissatisfaction or trouble with some aspect of one’s own life to the point that it excludes them from being able to be concerned about anyone or anything else.
People are so worried and consumed by their own problems and situations until they can’t give any meaningful and thoughtful attention to the problems or concerns of anyone else. That includes God and the church. Any attention that is given is overshadowed by the discontentment in their own lives and that’s why any attention given shows up as tokenlike at best.
Two problems with apathy is that it prevents the church from fulfilling its mission of representing Christ to reach the lost and it exposes a crisis of confidence of faith in the promises and message of God. The way to overcome apathy caused by discontent is to stop stressing over life situations and circumstances knowing that they will always be there, find and rejoice in what is right and good in our life, rely on God to take care of what is lacking and needed and begin to dedicate ourselves to the service and helping of others for Jesus’s sake.
If we will do this, the church will be able to fulfill its mission, we will be much happier, God will delight in providing and fulfilling our needs and we will be sowing to the Spirit instead of our flesh and reaping everlasting life instead of condemnation and corruption.
Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan