Fine Points Monday August 24 2020
Posted on Aug 24, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Having Faith In The Truth”.
Truth is something people argue over whenever the truth is in dispute. People give conflicting accounts of the same events that contradict each other so that both can’t be true. Many time people don’t even agree on the facts in terms of quantity, quality or even what they mean.
Pilate asked Jesus a question after Jesus told him that He came to bear witness of the truth. That question was “what is truth?”. There are some things that can’t be known or proven beyond question with mankind’s previous and current level of knowledge, information and technology.
To make statements regarding the existence of God, the accuracy of the bible, the life and works of Jesus Christ and any other proclamation regarding salvation requires a measure of faith. Paul makes the assertion that the gospel is true. The accounts of the events and words of Jesus are true. His own testimony of events that happened to him are true.
There are those who say that everything Paul and the gospel claims about God and Jesus is fiction and made up. Not one word of it can be believed. So there is a dispute over the truth. Who is right and who is wrong? Somebody is lying.
Paul says they who contradict the gospel have embraced a lie. A lie suits them because they have pleasure in unrighteousness. If the gospel is true, they will be condemned for their actions. Therefore, they slander the truth to clear their conscience and dismiss everything about God as fiction.
But those whom God has called to salvation will believe the truth about Him, obey Him and trust Him for their soul salvation. Only one account is true. God’s people have faith that the gospel’s account of the facts is the true one. Jesus once said to Thomas after seeing Him after His resurrection “Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe”.
Christianity is about having faith based upon the facts you know and the one’s you don’t know. Christians have made up in their hearts and minds which version of the truth, which version of the facts and which version of reality they believe and have faith. And it is the version that says “Jesus is Lord”.
Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities. Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices. Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday. Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday August 17 2020
Posted on Aug 17, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Fine Points Monday August 10 2020
Posted on Aug 10, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Fine Points Monday August 3 2020
Posted on Aug 3, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Fine Points Monday July 27 2020
Posted on Jul 27, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Fine Points Monday July 20 2020
Posted on Jul 20, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Fine Points Monday July 13 2020
Posted on Jul 13, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “The Perils of Progress”.
This current viral pandemic is not only taking a toll on the secular parts of society, but it is also having an impact on the church as well. Church members are forced to stay home instead of gathering on Sunday morning for health and safety reasons.
It was already a challenge for many to make the effort to come to the house of worship before these restrictions were placed upon us. Now that many have a reason not of their own making for not coming to the house of worship, some are using it as an excuse to stop seeking and worshiping God altogether.
People are taking comfort in the improved condition of mankind and do not long for a better day and place like many of the generations before them. That is one reason why Christianity has such an appeal to people. Because for many, life was at best a struggle and at worst a constant search for a reason to live.
Progress has allowed people to live in a push-button convenience pleasure seeking comfort-oriented society that discounts faith and hope in an afterlife and places emphasis on getting what and all you can here and now. This worldview and philosophy lead people to forget and disbelieve the promise of the Lord that He is coming again to judge the world.
The scripture teaches that people will be surprised and unsuspecting when the Lord shall appear suddenly and left without excuse. My father, along with many others in his generation and those before him, died attending church, supporting the church and were confessing their faith in Jesus Christ.
Fewer and fewer people are dying that way today. They are dying outside the church, not supporting the church or fellowshipping with other believers. They make no effort to seek to know more about the Lord, search the scriptures and govern their lives based upon what is written therein.
Progress has become their peril as they seek pleasure and satisfaction in the things their money can buy and body can allow them to enjoy. But instead of becoming a peril, Christians should allow progress to become their praise of God.
They should constantly give thanks to God for all the improvements in the life conditions. They should thank God that they have overcome the struggles of their parents and ancestors while remaining firmly convinced of the expectation of His return.
We are living in unprecedented times in the progress made in the human condition. This progress has led and is leading many to abandon faith, hope and love in the God of the bible and creation to their own peril and destruction.
Instead of laying around on Sunday morning, let us honor God by getting up, grooming and dressing ourselves and gathering our family around whatever means are available to us to worship and thank the Lord from our homes. This same progress that has made our physical lives so much better than our ancestors has also allowed us to meet, communicate and worship together though we are apart.
Therefore, for those who are being saved and waiting on the Lord, this progress is leading evermore to their praise to and for the God who has and continues to make and fulfill their lives with joy and great anticipation for the future. Let’s allow progress to be our praise and not our peril.
Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities. Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices. Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday. Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday July 6 2020
Posted on Jul 6, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Fine Points Monday June 29 2020
Posted on Jun 29, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |

Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “To Hell In A Handbasket”.
Back in 2019 during a CNN Democratic Presidential debate, Ron Reagan, the son of formal US President Ronald Reagan, appear in an advertisement promoting the Freedom From Religion Foundation in which he described himself as an unabashed lifelong atheist who is not afraid of burning in hell. That was their way of dismissing, minimizing and mocking hell.
The people who believe as they do are growing. People no longer fear the fire and torment of hell. Some people feel a loving God couldn’t allow people to suffer in a place like hell. Others believe nobody is going to hell even if there is one. Some believe they are not so bad that they deserve to go to hell. Most though simply believe there is no hell, but there might be a heaven and a God.
The truth is the bible certainly affirms the existence of hell and so does Jesus Himself. There are numerous times where Jesus refers to hell. So, if the bible is true and if Jesus is who He said He is, then hell is real and real people are going there.
In fact, a great number of people are going there because they are failing to keep the second great commandment which is to love our neighbors as ourselves. Isaiah said that hell has gotten larger and expanding its opening to accommodate all the people who were heading that way.
Today, with little or no fear of hell, people are not obeying the second command. Fear of hell shouldn’t be the primary motivation for obeying, but it provides a good reason for doing so. The US is currently experiencing a critical test to its democracy.
The nation is being forced to confront the legacy of slavery while struggling to hold off an economic disaster caused by a viral pandemic that has already killed over 125k people in the US (far more than any other place in the world) with no apparent end in sight without the aid of an effective therapeutic treatment or vaccine which appear to be months away.
In the meantime, with millions of Americans out of work, forced to stay home, limited in where they can go and what they can do and with a presidential election in 128 days people are feeling apprehensive about the future and where all this is going.
In the midst of all this, the message to love our neighbors is being missed and overlooked. There are armed standoffs between groups of people. Some people have been able to turn a public health issue into a political one. The racial rhetoric and scrutiny has been turned up as people take positions and make demands and calls for change.
But the key element that is missing is love. With love comes compassion, forgiveness, acknowledgement of injustice, tolerance and a recognition that we are the same kind with a common purpose and goal. Without this love, people are headed in droves or in a handbasket toward damnation and hell.
If we love the Lord and our neighbors as ourselves, it is up to us to stop that handbasket and look inside because we will find many people we know and love inside. We must do our best to rescue them and not allow them to be carried off into the place Ron Reagan said he is afraid of burning in.
Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities. Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices. Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday. Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan

Fine Points Monday June 22 2020
Posted on Jun 22, 2020 in Pastoral Messages |