The Shepherd’s Voice
The Shepherd’s Voice is one of our pastor’s communications extension to the Church, our friends and the world. He uses it as a way to reach out to our faith community while providing spiritual insight and perspectives to the sermon messages and events and issues of our day. We are welcomed and encouraged to comment on any of the messages by clicking the “Fine or Main Point” link you want to comment on, going to the bottom of the page and filling in and Submitting the Reply at the end of the message. Most of the blogs have audio playback so we can listen to as well as read them. We hope you are blessed and inspired by our Shepherd’s Voice.
Oct '17
Fine Points Monday Oct. 30, 2017
Posted on Oct 30, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Oct '17
Greeting FB Family and Friends
Well we’ve made it to the end of another month and the Lord is still by our side. It was a blessing to see each of you yesterday and to fellowship one with another. I hope this day finds you and your family well and ready to begin another week.
Because of the closeness to the Pastor’s Anniversary Banquet and cost of the outlining, the Young Adult bowling event has been rescheduled for either December 2nd or 9th. I want to thank those who have already stepped up to help out and given Melanie E. your name, but a few more volunteers are still needed to help with setup and clean up Friday and Saturday for the banquet. When we all pitch in, it doesn’t become a burden on anyone and we can get things done. The committee will be getting together Monday to determine the final count to submit to the caterer. If you plan on attending the Banquet, you must get your tickets by Sunday.
We have been experiencing some problems with notifications getting through on our mobile app. If you get a notification on your phone about this message, send me a text message saying “I received Fine Points 10/30”. It will look like a small fish along with our logo that appears on your screen. Most of you should have gotten yesterday’s sermon notification on your phone.
I want to thank God for the young people who are taking advantage of our BTU training program. A few of them made presentations for our “Show and Tell” segment yesterday. We do our children a great disservice by not helping and encouraging them to receive this valuable training. As our society becomes increasing ungodly and secular, what our children learn in SS and BTU may be the only thing that keeps them from following others down the paths that leads to destruction. And speaking of destruction, I want to share a few thoughts from yesterday’s message “Holiness or Hell”.
First of all, I want to thank God for using Min. Duncan to bring us a thoughtful and timely message. People often find it difficult to imagine “hell” or eternal suffering and punishment. They want to emphasize how good God is and never mention how just He is. But the Bible clearly teaches that everyone is destined for one of two eternal places. To me what Min. Duncan was saying to us is that we must be deliberate, sincere and dedicated in our effort to be holy as God is holy. Holiness, he said, takes practice and effort. It is God’s standard for His people, not something he or others made up. He said we are casual with our faith and attend or treat it as something common instead of giving it the high and lofty place it deserves.
If the robes of our life have been made white by washing them in the blood of the Lamb of God, then we must engage every bit of our power to keep them clean and unstained by living lives that are pleasing in the sight of God. This is the holiness I believe he was speaking of yesterday. And it is either this holiness that will deliver us or an eternal hell or damnation that will consume us. Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me, have a blessed week and until we meet again
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Oct '17
Fine Points Monday October 23, 2017
Posted on Oct 23, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Oct '17
Greeting FB Family and Friends
Today is another day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Yesterday I was so glad to see those of you who were present. It’s a blessing to be able to come to the House of the Lord while we still have the chance. So many can’t come because of one reason or another. And the day may come when we can’t come any longer. But while we could, we came.
The Young Adults sang well yesterday and many were uplifted by the songs that were sung. I also understand they had a fruitful discussion yesterday during BTU on the topic of “Insecurity” from a Christian perspective. It is my hope that more may join them going forward as they discuss topics important and meaningful to them. I hope everyone going to the Pastor Appreciation Banquet has secured their seats. If not, please do so by this Sunday, the 29th.
The 90th birthday celebration for Bro. H. Jordan was well attended with a good mixture of family, friends and fellow church members. We are now blessed to have three members who have reached the 90th milestone and one more poised to join in November. What a blessing that all of them still have their right mind and are still able to get around. May we all live to be so blessed. Now for a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Righteous Credit”.
When our teachers gave us an “S” or “U” in elementary school, it was based on the work we did or failed to do in class. If the work was to the teacher’s satisfaction, an “S” was given, otherwise we received a “U”. Righteousness is the only thing that will allow us to stand in the presence of Almighty God. And Righteousness can’t be earned, it can only be granted or credited by God. Instead of classwork, God will make His judgement to award “Righteous Credit” based entirely on our faith and belief in Him. And faith is demonstrated through how we bring Glory to God in living a life that brings God honor and glory.
This is what Abraham did and what the children of Abraham do, they show God that they believe Him through the life they live. And when Abraham did this and if we do it, God will impute, give, credit us an “S” or Righteousness based upon our faith in Him. Righteousness is required to enter the kingdom of God. If we can think of any reason or reasons why God would consider our faith “unsatisfactory”, now is the time to make the adjustment while we still can. All of us must give an account to God. Let’s strive to make sure we have “Righteous Credit” as part of our account. Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me and until we meet again
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Oct '17
Fine Points Monday Oct.16, 2017
Posted on Oct 16, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Oct '17
Greeting FB Family and Friends
I was so glad to see all of you on yesterday even though I didn’t get to speak to everyone there. As always, there are those I’m always looking for but rarely ever see. But I keep on hoping that next week I will see them. Usher’s Day I thought went well and I was blessed by the musical selections the Ushers chose to sing. I want to thank all the members of the Social and Planning Committee who worked in the kitchen and everyone who cooperated with Sis. Eddy to prepare and bring what she asked you for. We can do great things when we work together to do what needs to get done.
The Young Adults met again Saturday and are beginning to put some things in place. They have a good framework in place which they are embracing which will lead to some tremendous ministry and spiritual growth. As you know, the Pastor’s Appreciation Banquet is just around the corner. I’m encouraging everyone to do your very best to attend and to bring someone with you. I don’t know when, if ever, I will be honored with an appreciation banquet again. It will mean a lot to me to see you there. Please update your calendars to move our Mid-Year Meeting to Saturday, December 2nd at 1:00 pm. We may have some important announcements and decisions to make at that meeting so please try to be there. And now, a few closing thoughts from yesterday’s message “Branches of Service”.
Each individual Christian the Lord describes as a branch that is depended upon the True Vine which He says is Himself. Branches do the work and bear the fruit which causes the whole to grow and accomplish its mission. Just like military veterans are the only ones who can receive veteran benefits, only Christian branches who are abiding in Christ the True Vine and bearing fruit are eligible to receive eternal life. We should think of ourselves as branches whose purpose is to make contact and interact with others in the name of our Lord in an effort to help them come to faith or strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. In doing this, we will be producing the fruit and accomplishing the goals Christian branches are designed for. An unproductive branch is of no use and will be removed and dropped from the main. If we are Christians, let us strive to be the productive fruitful branches of service God has called and designed each one of us to be. Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me and until we meet again
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Oct '17
Fine Points Monday Oct. 9, 2017
Posted on Oct 9, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Oct '17
Greeting FB Family and Friends
Well thank God for another Lord’s Day and the beginning of another week. I was glad to see the return of some I’ve missed and everyone else I look forward to seeing every Sunday. This week the Zion Association will be in session Monday through Thursday at Friendship MBC in Monroe. Evening sessions will begin at 6:00 on Mon. and Tue, 7:00 on Wed. and 6:30 Thursday. There are two afternoon sessions beginning at 2:00 on Wed. and Thursday. I encourage you to go by and see what goes on at the Association.
The Usher’s Anniversary will be Sunday and everyone is asked to support the Usher Ministry and bring something for the dinner that follows. In the 30 years I have served as pastor, I have never requested or been honored with a banquet. It is important to me that everyone supports this effort. Time is running out to secure your tickets to the Pastor’s Appreciation Banquet. You can get them from Dea. Collins or from Sis. Eddy. I want to see all of you there along with a guest. Now for a few closing thoughts about yesterday’s message “Tighten Our Grip”.
As I meet and talk to other pastors, I hear many of them expressing concern over what they see as an indifference in regards to the life and work of the Church. People in the Church are becoming less concerned about living godly holy lives pleasing to God as the tide of ungodliness and unbelief continues to rise in our society and world. If we are not careful, we will focus more on what people are doing than on what we are called to do. It is time for us to refocus on our mission and calling by tightening our grip on our faith. We do this by remembering Who has called us and trusting in His word to deliver the things He has promised. By focusing on the Church, it allows us to tighten our grip on our faith and prevents us from becoming distracted by the deceitfulness of pleasure and sin the world is pursuing.
Sin is a choice. It’s the choice Adam made and the choice we have the power to make. God has forgiven us for our choice by providing a sacrifice for our sin. But if we willfully sin after God has cleaned us and forgiven us, the bible says He has no other sacrifice for our sin. And this is why we must not let our guard down and begin to make excuses for disobedience. But we must be resolved all the more to resist the temptation to become less obedient and become more determined to see it through as God has commanded us. The world is headed the way of Noah’s day and if we don’t tighten our grip on our faith, we will be condemned along with the unbelievers and enemies of God. Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me and until we meet again
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Oct '17
Fine Points Monday Oct. 2, 2017
Posted on Oct 2, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Oct '17
Greeting FB Family and Friends
The Lord be praised for another day on this journey we call life. I woke up this morning to the news that another senseless act of violence took place last night at a music festival in Las Vegas, NV. At least 50 people are dead and 400 wounded as a gunman open fire on a crowd of people who had gathered to enjoy the music.
The bible tells us that before God destroyed the world with a flood the earth was full of violence. The Presidents of the US and N. Korea are threatening violence against the other’s country. Armed conflicts and terrorist attacks are taking place in many parts of the world. Nation is rising up against nation. God is sitting on His throne and watching what is happening here on earth. Most people don’t bother worshipping God and many of the ones that do are not doing so in spirit and in truth. Many are honoring God with their lips but their hearts are far from Him.
Yesterday’s message was entitled “Counting the Righteous”. God would have spared the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah if there were at least 10 righteous people in the city. The pool of righteousness that has been preserving the world is beginning to dry up. As the righteous die there are not enough others coming on to take their place which is causing the pool to shrink. Make no mistake about it, 2 Peter 2:9 says “the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment”. Read again Psalm 1. Let’s meditate on the law of the Lord and resolve in our heart to do that which is pleasing in His sight. God knows the righteous, but the unrighteous shall perish.
The Fall Festival turned out nicely. On behalf of the Church, I want to say “thank you” to everyone who participated and help make it possible. The Men’s Breakfast will feature a special guest from the Sheriff’s Department so men let’s encourage one another to be there at 8:30 am. The Advisory Council will meet tonight at 6:30 pm. Finally, don’t wait until the last minute to secure your tickets to the Pastor’s Appreciation Banquet. You can get them from Dea. Collins or from Sis. Eddy. Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me and until we meet again
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Sep '17
Fine Points Monday Sept. 25, 2017
Posted on Sep 25, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Sep '17
Greeting FB Family and Friends
Yesterday was another day the Lord made and gave to us to gather together in His name. The Young Adults, while not many, sang well and we were uplifted by the songs they sang. I missed a few faces I am accustomed to seeing each Lord’s Day, but was very glad to see as many of you as I did and look forward to the others return.
Last week marked the beginning of Fall and before long it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas. Meantime, we will have our first “Fall Festival” on Saturday beginning at 12:00 until 4:00. The weather is predicted to be mild and dry so I hope everyone will come out and enjoy the day. And now a few final thoughts about yesterday’s message “Righteous In Our Time”.
If we are only molecules and atoms that somehow randomly came together without the aid of God or anyone else and when we die we become nothingness, then righteousness is nothing more than what a few people can agree it is. Also, it would serve no purpose other than to possibly make those who practice it feel better about themselves. But for those of us who believe in the everlasting, eternal God righteousness is what God declares someone to be. We live in a time in which being right with God has a very low priority, if any, in the lives of most people. But if we desire to be saved, we must go against the tide and make righteousness our highest priority.
Looking at the way most people live and their low regard for righteousness, makes it tempting to let our guards down and allow some unrighteousness in our own lives and look for ways to justify it and get away with it. Noah was unique in his time and he walked with God. We must be unique in our time and also walk with God if we hope to be found righteous in His eyes. So, let’s not give up and not give in, but deny ourselves and live up to God’s expectations. Well, that’s all for now. Let’s plan on going to Christian Mission on tomorrow. So, thanks for joining me and until we meet again
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Sep '17
Fine Points Monday Sept. 18, 2017
Posted on Sep 18, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Sep '17
Greeting Members and Friends
And thanks for joining me on another Fine Points Monday. I thank God for another opportunity to meet and fellowship with you on yesterday. It is always special to see our eldest members and I encourage you to always let them know how happy we are to see them. Join me in thanking Bro. R. Crowder, the brother of Bro. J. Crowder, for choosing to share a substantial financial blessing with us, one we greatly needed and appreciate.
And his gift is another part in the continuation of the story that defines the FBMBC. We are small in number and we are of modest means. But God has provided and continues to provide us with the resources we need to do His work through the sacrifices of members and the support and kindness of people He sends our way who prove to be a blessing to us and we I hope and pray, a blessing to them.
I want to express my thanks for the Young Adults who met with me Saturday and for the framework that was received and put in place to help them accomplish and realize the spiritual growth goals and needs for this important part of the church body. And now a few closing thoughts from yesterday’s sermon “A Foot In The Door”.
This phase or idiom is used to describe the initial step in a process beginning on the ground floor or bottom with the potential to rising to the top. The top in our case is to realize a seat in the kingdom of God. But to realized that seat we must first have the opportunity to get that seat. That opportunity comes when we understand the expectations and requirements God places on us. When Jesus perceived that the scribe’s question was sincere and that he understood how doing those two things, loving God and loving neighbor, is the key to doing what God requires of man, Jesus said he had taken an initial and crucial step toward entering the kingdom of God by stating he was not far from it.
But realizing what it takes and doing what it takes are two different things. But we can’t do what it takes until we realize what it takes. But if we understand what it takes, we at least now have the opportunity to do what it takes. And getting the opportunity to do something is “Getting One’s Foot In The Door”. Now it’s up to each of us to use our opportunity to do what it takes in order to make the case to God to bring us up to the top by allowing our whole body inside the door of His eternal kingdom. So, if we understand what it takes, because all barriers to salvation have been removed, we now have the opportunity to be saved. What we do with that opportunity however is up to us. Remember to join us at Friendship MBC in Monroe on Wednesday if you can. So, until we meet again,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Sep '17
Fine Points Monday Sept. 11, 2017
Posted on Sep 11, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Sep '17
Greeting Members and Friends
And thanks for joining me on another Fine Points Monday. As we departed Sunday afternoon after meeting together to worship and praise our God, the weather was once more the attention of the nation as Hurricane Irma began to make landfall in Florida. It hasn’t been two good weeks since Harvery left death and destruction along the Texas coast and now there’s another hurricane to deal with and a possible third behind it. Yet, if this nation and the world doesn’t return from its rush toward idolatry, I’m fearful hurricanes and earthquakes will be among the least of our concerns.
A meeting is scheduled with the Young Adults to discuss the important role and ministry of that group in the Church on Saturday, September 16 at 5:00 pm. I hope to see them all there. The Church has been invited and we plan to visit Chamber’s Grove on Wednesday of this week at 7:00 for their revival service. And now for a few thoughts from yesterday’s message. If you get a call from the mayor or governor or even the President, you would probably think “What does he want with me?”. Why would someone so important be calling me?
The truth is someone infinitely more important that any of these people has already called us and it is our Creator. He has called each of us and we should be honored He has done so. He has called to give us something we desperately need. It would be an insult not to answer the Mayor or Governor or President. How much more the insult not to answer God’s call and refuse His gift. So, I urge each of us to fight the good fight of faith. So much is at stake now. People need every bit of encouragement to ignore the growing skepticism, greed and selfishness that is overtaking the world. It is time for people who have real faith in God and Jesus Christ to help instill confidence in those God has called to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust.
This is what God wants with you. Not only to give you eternal life, but to use you as His body to extend that gift to others. As I listen to the early rain and wind from Irma this Monday morning, I realize how fragile we all are and easily broken. Our faith is the only hope we have with any chance of surviving the storm of life and death we all must face. May the Lord be with us and until we meet again,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Sep '17
Fine Points Monday Sept. 4, 2017
Posted on Sep 4, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Sep '17
Greeting Members and Friends
And thanks for joining me on another Fine Points Monday. Well, September signals the beginning of the final quarter of the year. School is back in full swing, fall sports have finally arrived, revivals have winded down and the weather has begun to cool off. There have been recent spikes in racial tensions as people protest and clash over symbols. There is unrest on the international scene as North Korea and the US continue toward a path of military confrontation over nuclear weapons.
The weather has once again brought destruction to a coastal region of the nation and millions of people are displaced and left with the loss of most of their possessions from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. But God still continues to be gracious and kind to us and bless us with the things we need.
The men had another fruitful breakfast meeting Saturday and are planning to have invited law enforcement officials at our next meeting to discuss some important issues impacting our community. A meeting is also scheduled with the Young Adults to discuss the important role and ministry of that group in the Church on Saturday, September 16 at 5:00 pm. And speaking of Young Adults, yesterday’s message “A Career With A Future” was a message that clearly had them in mind since most of them are just beginning to formulate career paths that will impact the rest of their natural lives.
Christianity is not a label we attach to ourselves, but it is a way of life and call to service and work. We will spend the better part of our lives working to support ourselves and families building a career in the process sometimes in a particular field and other times over no particular field. And while career paths with a future are becoming more challenging to find and keep, Christianity provides a career opportunity to work for something and someone that will provide the greatest and best possible future for anyone living on this planet.
And this is why, no matter what our age, pursuing a career or life’s work as a Christian has the greatest potential for eternal joy and happiness that no earthly job or career can begin to provide. So, whatever we decide to do for a living, are presently doing for a living, or have retired and done for a living make sure our career as a Christian overshadows and distinguishes us more than anything else we are doing or did with our lives. Well, that’s all for now and for those of you not working today, I hope you enjoy a much deserved day off and until next time,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan
Aug '17
Fine Points Monday August 28, 2017
Posted on Aug 28, 2017 in Pastoral Messages |
Aug '17
Greeting Members and Friends
And thanks for joining me on this Fine Points Monday. Well, attendance was fair yesterday and I was glad to see all of you, especially Mother Dumas and Papa Heath who represent the most senior members of the church. To see them active and engaged should inspire us to greater service and faith.
School is back in session for all children now. Let’s pray for them daily as they face the challenges imposed by an ever-growing godless secular society that devalues faith and promotes relativism. We had a wonderful contingency of people to go to Big Pineville AME Zion church on yesterday including several young adults. The food and fellowship was good as was the worship service. Dr. Brown preached an inspiring sermon about “One Thing I Know” that whereas I was blind, but now I see. I hope we continue to see more young adult involvement going forward.
Everyone should be thinking about who they want to invite to the Pastor’s 30th Year Anniversary. Try to get your seats early as I hope to see all of you there along with at least one guest. Now a few closing thoughts about the few who will and many who won’t be saved.
When we look at Jesus words in context, they came at the conclusion of the sermon on the mount. They serve as a warning to us not to be just hearers of His words, but doers. If we believe the bible, God destroyed the world before because of iniquity or wickedness. Everyone was lost, except eight persons. That was truly a few saved and many lost. How big of a difference will it be next time? I don’t know, but if the pass is any indication, I would not count on it being a large number of people.
We can’t do anything about how loved ones and others who are deceased. Their stories have been written, are in the books and they will be judged on that. Our stories are still being written along with those we know and love and we still have some control on how it will turn out. Let’s be careful, fear God and make pleasing Him the most important thing in our life. Don’t jeopardize our souls by allowing iniquity to lie at our doors. Well, enjoy the rest of the week. I hope to see some of you as we travel to the revivals this week. So, until then
Pastor Jordan