Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me, Pastor Jordan, for some Fine Points from Sunday’s service and message “Our Debt To Society”.
A debt to society refers to something owed to everyone in a community. This phase is commonly used to refer to the time served in jail or prison for a crime committed against the laws of society or community.
The punishment is to be removed from participating in that society until it has been deemed long enough to return. Sometimes that term can be forever banned from returning to the society.
Debt is seen as something we owe or are obligated to pay for something that was either done for us or done to us. Most people would probably want to be debt free. By this, we would owe no one anything whether for something good they did for us or something bad they did to us. We would neither be paying debts or collecting debts.
And while that might sound good and appealing, it is something that is very difficult to achieve living in this world. And what makes it more unlikely is that some debts are not of our own making but are imposed upon us.
But the fact is, Apostle Paul tells us to owe no man anything. We are to strive to relieve ourselves of all debts including those imposed and those who have wrong us. The debts we owe to those who have wronged us, we are not to settle. These debts God will take care of.
But there is one debt we can never fully repay and that is to love others as we love ourselves. Even if we somehow managed to pay all of our other debts, this debt will remain and continue into our life to come.
We owe God and are in His debt for giving us life and for sparing that life after death caused by sin. If we were to ask God how to repay the debt we owe, nothing we possess will be sufficient to cover what we owe.
So God says to us to repay Him by loving one another and this will cover our debt. For to love one another Paul says is to fulfill God’s eternal law. As long as there is another person to love, this debt will never be paid.
Our current world is suffering so much pain, sorrow and misery because we are failing to pay the debt we owe for our lives to God. This debt to society isn’t dependent upon others loving us. We can’t wait for other to love us to love them.
God didn’t wait for us to love Him before He loved us. But while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. In the same manner, we are called to love those in our world today. Not that they love us, but we are to love them.
It is hurtful to live in an increasingly loveless society. We see the effects of such a society growing on a daily basis. However, we who are the called of God have a debt to love those in such a society not only to repay the debt we owe, but to doing so someone who isn’t paying their debt may also begin to do so.
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Click the SS Daily Bible Readings for an excellent devotional and preparation for the upcoming Sunday School lesson. Don’t forget to leave a comment or question down below. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
Pastor Jordan, that was a very good message on yesterday. May God continue Blessings be upon you.
Thank you for your encouragement and support of the ministry. May God continue to bless you.