A profile provides a basic description of defining characteristics of an individual, group or entity. People within a certain profile, which can be called the Profile of a Believer, are more likely to become Christians while others outside this profile are less likely.
In his first letter to the Corinthians, Apostle Paul noted that certain types of individuals were not among them because they lacked the ability to see beyond their own intellectual arrogance to receive the simplicity of the gospel message. There is a group of people who are more receptive of God’s message who have several things in common that place them into a profile of those who may become believers.
The identification and alleviation of suffering is one of the appeals of the gospel for people who have suffered, are suffering or know something about suffering. They can relate to a suffering savior who not only stands ready to help them with their own suffering, but promises to relieve all suffering by and by.
Then there are those ready to admit their lack of knowledge who do not close their minds to the possibility of the unknown and unexplainable. Jesus is reported to have performed many feats and acts that can be described as miracles. Miracles are unexplainable, but not impossible. The profile of a believer includes those who accept the miraculous because they acknowledge their knowledge is too limited to say what is and is not possible.
Common sense reveals that people are no accident of nature, but the product of design with a purpose. People who fit within the profile of a believer do not accept the ridiculous claim of some people that we are a collection of cosmic particles or dust that randomly came together to form complex organisms such as themselves. This is why they are ready to listen to someone who can explain their existence and purpose in a way that makes sense to them.
Then there are those who are not satisfied with what this world has to offer and are willing to hold out on the possibility that there is much more than what is here and seen. This is another appeal of the gospel that draws the interest of someone who may become a believer. While there are many things that can bring temporary joy, satisfaction and fulfillment, the possibility of eternity is much more appealing than any of the other measures this world has to offer.
While these are not all the characteristics that are included in the profile of a believer, they represent a starting point for those who are more likely to believe the gospel and become Christians. How do you fit within this profile? Does this sound like anyone you know? If so, share the gospel with them.
Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan