Fine Points Monday March 26, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Sunday marked the beginning of another week the Lord has made so let’s be glad and rejoice in it.  I was glad to see many of you though I did miss some others of which I know some informed me that they were not feeling well. 
I like to commend the Young Adults who attended and participated in the Union County Young Adult Missionary program Saturday at Greater Grace Community MBC.  Rev. Evans touched on many of the things I have been saying and I hope to see greater participation in Sunday School and BTU in the future.  I would like to take this time to inform those who may not know that Sis. Olinda Simpson and Bro. Robert Hailey had an uncle, Clifton Hailey, to pass last week.  Funeral services are scheduled for 1:00 pm on Saturday at Piney Grove East MBC and visitation will begin at 12:00. 
As most of you know this is Holy Week and we will begin our services Wednesday and continue through Friday with services beginning each evening at 7:00 pm.  We will begin at Walker’s Grove and I will bring the message.  Thursday, we will be here and Rev. Sanders will bring the message along with Holy Communion.  We will close at Belmont and Rev. Powe will bring the message.  Early Sunday morning Sunrise Service will be at 6:45 AM followed by breakfast.  Sunday School will be at 9:00 AM and Morning Worship will begin at 10:00 AM. 
Following Morning Worship, we will have our Easter Program.  If your child still doesn’t have a speech, it is not too late to get them something to say at the program.  Getting up and speaking before the congregation helps to build confidence and self-esteem in our children.  Be sure to let them practice them before your family and friends so they won’t be nervous and ready by Easter.  Our Men’s Fellowship breakfast will be Saturday, April 7 here at the church.  After the breakfast, we will take care of a few items around the church that need to be addressed.  
The Union County Countywide Crusade for Christ will be held for the first time here at Flag Branch beginning Sunday, April 8 through Thursday, April 12th.  Rev. R. J. Evans, Sr., pastor of Greater Grace Community MBC in Marshville will be the Sunday night speaker and Rev. Brian Irving, a son of Friendship MBC in Monroe and pastor of Northside MBC in Durham will be the speaker for the week.  It is an honor and privilege to be able to host this crusade.  So let’s get ready to receive and be gracious host of this long running event in our county. 
Finally, I will be the guest speaker at Rev. J. N. Coble’s 40th Pastoral Anniversary Service on Sunday, April 15th.  This will provide us with another opportunity to help bless and encourage another local pastor and congregation.  So, mark your calendars and help us to be a blessing to the Mt. Moriah church family. 
And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Our Fragile Frame”.  When flowers are in full bloom, they are one of the most beautiful sights to behold.  But their beauty only lasts a few hours or days before the environment begins to chip away at their glory until nothing is left and the place is no longer remembered.  We likewise are glorious beings who are wonderfully made and something beautiful to behold.  And just like the flower, the winds of life through suffering, trouble, sickness, calamity, age and time chips away at our glory until we are left with only a faint shell of what we were at our peak and even that soon fades away.  And like that flower, our place is no more remembered. 
Our frames are fragile by design because our Creator made it so.  We are not built to live apart from the One who made us.  We are fragile particles of designed dust who the Creator made to dwell with Him.  We only need to acknowledge our dependence on Him and be willing to live as He commands and our place with not be forgotten but moved to the everlasting place it was meant to be.  Well, that’s all for now.  I hope to see you Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

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