Fine Points Monday June 11, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  I was so glad to see all of our members and friends again as the Lord gave us another beautiful day to come out, worship and fellowship with one another.  Several students were acknowledged for graduating from high school, middle school or for achieving other awards at school.  We wish them all well as they enter the next phase of their lives. 
Dea. W. Evans and Bro. B. Funderburk were also recognized for their 24 years as Director of Music and 16 years as Usher President.  It was our way of saying thank you for their many years of faithful and dedicated service.  Our men have scheduled their first Men’s Day practice for 9:00 am this coming Saturday.  So pass the word around to any men who were not there yesterday.  Vacation Bible School begins today Monday June 11 and will continue through Friday June 15.  We always have a good time at VBS so make plans to attend.  We will begin at 6:15 each night. 
Don’t forget to come out to Sunday School, Missions and BTU beginning at 9:00 am.  The Young Adults will meet again this Saturday at 5:00 in the conference room.  We have missed our last two meetings so everyone try to be there so we can get caught up.  Verlinda and I will be celebrating 29 years of marital bliss this Sunday, so if you miss us this Sunday you will know why. 
And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Don’t Kill Yourself”.  The death of anyone by suicide leaves those left behind wondering why.  What was so wrong or bad in their life that overshadowed all reasons to live or others to help them get through what was troubling them.  123 persons per day are making the choice to end their lives instead of facing another day.  Suicide is like death in that it touches people from all walks of life.  Money, fame, fun and fortune along with all of the other things people pursue in life will not insulate them from suicide and depression. 
The source of the problem is that people are trying to live without God.  God said He has no pleasure in the death of anyone, so He asks the question “why would we choose suicide over life with Him”.  Just as we ask the question when we see people choosing suicide to life, God is asking us the same question.  When we refuse to obey and submit to God we are saying that I can’t or refuse to live the way God wants to live and I would rather die than face life as a child of God. 
While 123 persons per day in the US are committing physical suicide far more are committing spiritual suicide each day.  Joe Clark told the young student that crack was killing him and if was determined to kill himself he shouldn’t mess around but jump off the building instead and get it over with.  Whatever we are doing that is keeping us from submitting to God is like crack and is killing us.  The wages or result of disobedience or sin is and always will be death.  God says turn from our crack or transgressions and not let it be our ruin.  Why would we kill ourselves when we and can repent and live?    Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see you this week at VBS or Sunday morning, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

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