Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “A Call to Freedom and Liberty”.
The ability to choose between alternatives and be self-governing is something that describes people who have freedom and liberty. Freedom is something everyone wants for themselves but some would and have denied to others. God gives Christians liberty and freedom from the Mosaic Law and other customs that were considered sacred in the Jewish culture.
When certain Jews attempted to impose Mosaic laws unto new Christians coverts, Paul needed to inform them of their liberty and freedom that is provided and given to them in Christ. He told them that if they ventured down this path of works, then grace will not have profited them anything. Salvation would be based upon works and not on grace and faith.
As far as the law is concerned, Paul says that Jesus is the end of the law and the prophets. All the law can be summed up in “loving our neighbor as ourselves”. The thing we must keep in mind is that liberty or freedom is not absolute but comes with some restrictions. Exercising one’s own freedom and liberty could impede or infringe upon the liberty, freedom and well-being of others. When we exercise our liberty in this matter were are indulging in our flesh.
Paul tells us and the new converts don’t allow our freedom to used as an occasion for the flesh. If we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. God has made us self-governing and given us freedom and liberty. How we exercise this liberty and freedom determines our eternal destiny and relationship with Him and others. The “Pledge of Allegiance” end with the words “liberty and justice for all”.
However, there are many in this nation who desire liberty and justice for themselves but are indifferent, intolerant or even hostile to the idea of liberty and justice for some others. The heart of God’s law says for us to put ourselves in the place of others and treat them the way we would want to be treated.
When we do not constrain our liberty, we will turn on one another by not walking charitably toward others which produce the works of the flesh. Paul list some of the works of the flesh in the following verses of his letter. The important thing to remember is Christianity is not about restricting freedom but about exercising freedom and being self-governing in a manner that cares about and respects the liberty and freedom of others.
Remember to visit our website to see our latest news, announcements and worship activities and opportunities. Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices. Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday. Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan
Rev.Jordan you did a awesome job on your sermon. A Call to freedom.