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Greetings FB members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message.
Today in MLK, Jr. National Holiday and many schools, government offices and financial institutions are closed today in honor of the holiday. This holiday represents a significant acknowledgement in the struggle for full citizenship rights for all Americans and African-American citizens particularly.
The circumstances that led to the enslavement of people of African descent is complex and the roots of those circumstances are deeply embedded in this nation. There are those today who continue to manipulate the aspirations and fears of people against other people at the expense of peace, harmony and prosperity for all in order to line their pocket with filthy lucre.
Let us pray that they are exposed for the uncaring, heartless greedy people they are and that the eyes of those who have been blinded by their foul tactics of hate and divisiveness will see them for the manipulators they are.
And now a few comments on yesterday’s message “A Faithful Few”. Jesus made it clear that a few would be saved. The word “few” is subjective and hard to quantify. However, I believed Jesus used the word to drive home the idea that the way to life is not one that should be taken likely.
He used the same word again in a parable to describe faithfulness. The riddle suggest that believers need to demonstrate faithfulness in a few things to prove their worthiness for an upgraded status. Our status as believers is that of slaves or bond persons of God and righteousness.
English translations of the word for slave or bond person in most English language bibles is servant. But the word servant in our current vernacular has lost the meaning of involuntary servitude or slave or someone held in bonds.
The slaves in the parable were tasked with improving upon what the king or lord had placed in their charge. Though the king was not there, some faithfully carried out their assignment and thereby improved upon what was given to them. Others ignored their master’s command and behaved liked free persons.
Likewise, a few things have been placed in our possession which our Master has called upon us to improve upon. Among those things are our bodies, conversations, relationships, money, time and gifts and talents. These are only a few things but we must be faithful over them for our Lord (Master) to conclude we can be trusted with many more far valuable things including life with Him.
We don’t have the option to pick and choose what we will be faithful over nor the option to do nothing as a slave in the parable did. If Jesus is truly our Lord, we demonstrate that by our service and obedience to His word as if we have no choice but to obey.
This is what the Master or Lord calls a good and faithful servant or slave. The parable speaks to a faithful few who are faithful over a few things. Look for our Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday of this week on our Facebook page and mobile app. You can also enjoy the SS Daily Bible Readings anytime and anywhere at our website. As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments
Pastor Jordan