Fine Points Monday Jan. 29, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Members and friends began receiving contribution statements yesterday.  These statements are provided in order to give those who provided monetary contribution and gifts to the church an official record of what they gave in the last calendar year.  As members of the body of Christ, we demonstrate our commitment to the well-being of the Church by our willingness to support it through our tithes and offerings. 
Through the first 7 months of our fiscal year that began in June, our total giving as of December 31st was down about $1600 from the same period last year, but our expenses were also down by $1750 in the same period.  As a result, the net different is only is $170.00.  Which means we are on pace to end the year financially showing a small net increase over expenses just as last year.  January financial figures are still in the process of being placed in our accounting system and we should have those figures shortly.  In the meantime, let’s continue to be faithful in our giving and pray that God will continue to help us meet all of our financial obligations and responsibilities. 
Now for a few closing thoughts from yesterday’s message entitled “Caring for Christ”.  I must admit this one was touching for me more than usual because I could visualize the church as God’s Son who has been placed in my (or our) care.  The love and care we give to the Son of God or neglect to give His Son God will be reciprocate in the judgement.  The righteous, those who loved and cared for the Church like their own child, were puzzled when they were told of the kindnesses they had given Christ and wondered where and when did they see Him to do these things.  They did not realize that the Church, Christ’s body and Bride, is the personification of Christ Himself.  So whatever we do or fail to do for the Church we do or fail to do for Christ. 
The members of the Church are His brethren and sisters.  Let us therefore be all the more inspired to take care of the Church as one placed and entrusted in our care to love and nurture as our own child.  Let’s provide for Him all things out of a heart of love and gratitude for He is the one who suffered and died for us so that we might have a seat in the kingdom of God.  Let’s take care of Christ for He is the One who did, is and shall take care of us.  Well that’s all for now and I hope you all have a blessed week and that something good expected or unexpected happens to you and the ones you love.  Would love to read a comment from you.  Look for the Sunday School preview Thursday.  Men’s breakfast Saturday at 8:30 am at Golden Coral.  Until we meet again,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

One Response to “Fine Points Monday Jan. 29, 2018”

  1. Jessica Jordan says:

    Hello Rev. Jordan,

    I found this message to be quite interesting because I have never thought of that scripture passage in the way you preached on it yesterday. It gave me a different perspective on how we should view and care for the church and Christ. The indicators of care you provided gave clear examples on how we can display our care for Christ, see what we have been entrusted with, and how we can honor God’s son by the way we love and nurture the church like we would our own child. I like that perspective and enjoyed it!

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