Failure To Due Diligence Fine Points

Greetings Flag Branch members and friends and thanks for taking the time to join me, Pastor Jordan, for some Fine Points from yesterday’s service and message “Failure To Due Diligence”. 
Due diligence is the process of making sure something is as it appears or should be before making a commitment to it.  For instance, when buying a house, the buyer is given a certain number of days to discover if there is anything wrong with the house that would keep the buyer from finalizing the contract to buy the house.  This period of time is known as due diligence. 
The more diligent a buyer is in examining the house, the less likely the buyer will discover something wrong with the house after the sale.  It would be a big mistake for the buyer to finalize the sale without due diligence because the buyer assumed everything was fine. 
When Peter tells us that the righteous shall barely, hardly or scarcely be saved, it is not because God made it difficult to be saved.  But it is because people didn’t practice due diligence when it came to knowing and doing the will of God. 
Due diligence for Christians involves making sure we know what God’s Word says, understand the meaning of what it says and adhere to what it says.  The reason so many will hardly be saved is because they have failed to do this.  They have failed to know, failed to understand and/or failed to adhere to the Word of God. 
This kind of due diligence only occurs when a person no longer seeks satisfaction and fulfillment in the things of the world.  Instead, their satisfaction comes from knowing they are in the will of God and that God will give them the desires of their heart.  In other words, they rely on God to satisfy them in whatever manner He chooses. 
Not only this, but those who practice due diligence are fully convinced of the value of eternal life and are determine not to take any chances or make any mistakes that could keep them for receiving the eternal inheritance. 
What God requires of us is not difficult or hard.  God has not made salvation hard or difficult.  The difficulty comes in when people, for whatever reason, failed to due diligence when it comes to God’s Word.  The path that leads to life is narrow meaning there is not much room for us to stray from it. 
Due diligence is not difficult, but it does require constant awareness and focus on the mission and task at hand.  If we lose focus, if only for a moment, of what we want and why we want it, that moment is enough to jeopardize our salvation and put our souls at risk. 
Finally, let us make no assumptions, but prove everything by the word of God.  And once we know and understand, we can have confidence when we stand before God if we have abided by His word. 
Be sure to download our mobile app on your phones and mobile devices.  Don’t forget to read and listen to my Sunday School preview that comes out on Thursday.  Get a jump on Sunday School by reading the SS Daily Bible Readings at our website or by clicking the link.  As always, remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan

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