Sunday School Commentary and Preview 12-27-20
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Called To Prepare The Way” and is found in Matthew 3:1-12.
In today’s lesson, the gospel introduces us to John. The New Testament identifies several men named John. Today’s John is called the “forerunner of Jesus”. His mother name Elizabeth and Jesus’s mother named Mary we are told were cousins.
John’s mother was at least six months pregnant with John when Mary visited her and told her what see was told concerning her own son Jesus. The angel Gabriel visited both John’s father and Jesus’s mother with news that they have been chosen to be their parents.
John’s birth was miraculous because both of his parents were well pass childbearing years and his mother was considered barren. Jesus’s birth was miraculous because Mary conceived Him without a man. So, these two men were bound together before they were even born. Both men were born with a divine purpose and mission.
John’s purpose was prophesied by the prophet Isaiah. He was to be the forerunner of Jesus. In other words, he was to introduce and prepare the people to receive the Messiah. He was to let them know His appearance was imminent and what to expect when He arrives. This is what John did. He called on people to repent of their sins.
Those who came confessing their sins were baptized by John with the water of repentance in the Jordan River. Word of John’s work reached Jerusalem. Some of the religious rulers came out to see what John was doing and ask him questions about who is was and the reason for what he was doing.
They knew of the prophesies and asked if he was one of the prophets or even the Messiah. John’s answer to them was that He was none of those prophets, but only the preparer of the way for One who is about to come. Someone he declared he was not even worth to carry or untie His shoes. He told them that His baptism is greater that his own. He baptizes with water, but the One who is coming is going to baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire.
John lived an extraordinary life. He had no family of his own like Jesus. He lived in the wilderness alone and wore the simplest of garments. His diet included honey and locusts. He was dedicated to what he was called to do and there was little out there to distract him from his mission.
Today, we can imitate what John did by preparing the way for Jesus’s return. John announced and prepare the way for His arrival. We can do the same by announcing and preparing the way for His return. Just like John, we must not allow ourselves to be distracted by the things of the world.
We must uplift the name of Jesus and tell others how worthy He is of our praise, worship and obedience. The lesson tells us of how John prepared the way for Jesus to come. Let us prepare the way for His glorious return.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link.
Pastor Jordan
Sunday School Commentary Preview 12-20-20
Sunday School Commentary and Preview Dec 13 2020
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Called Before Birth” and is found in Matthew 1:18-25.
The human conception and birth of Jesus is described in both the gospel of Matthew and Luke. It is prophesied is other places in the Old Testament including in Isaiah and Micah. The lesson title “Called Before Birth” can refer to the OT prophesies concerning the coming and birth of the Messiah and can refer to the interaction between Mary and Joseph concerning who Jesus was to be and their roles concerning Him.
Today’s lesson focus is on the role Joseph played in Jesus’s birth. The bible contains many events in both the Old and New Testaments that transcend human understanding of reality and what is possible. Some might justly call these events miracles. The birth of Jesus is an event in that category.
The bible says that Jesus was not conceived in the usual matter people of His day were conceived. Jesus’s father was not a man, but was God. In this respect, Jesus is referred to as the second Adam because He is only the second man God was directly responsible for giving life. The power of God in the person of the Holy Ghost caused Jesus to be conceived in the womb of His mother Mary.
Now Mary was a virgin and was engaged to a direct descendant of King David whose name was Joseph. When Joseph discovered that Mary was with child, his intent was to quietly divorce her and part ways. But before he could do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream to explain what was going on. Joseph believed what the angel said. He married Mary, named her child Jesus, became Jesus’s earthly father and had other children with Mary.
Many people read or hear the account of Jesus’s birth and get no further. They consider it impossible for something like the events surrounding Jesus’s birth to have occurred. But this is the difference between believers and nonbelievers.
Believers allow for the transcendence of the physical, natural and mental barriers of human understanding and limitation. Nonbelievers on the other hand discount whatever is implausible based upon what is known and considered likely or possible.
Christians may not understand how things that seem impossible can happen, but they don’t require the need to know or to understand how to believe. Why? Because they do know and understand that a Creator God who was and is able to create the universe, our world and people like us is beyond our understanding and transcends everything we know and understand or can possibly know and understand.
Such a God is not bound by our puny thoughts and understanding of reality. That is why they don’t try to understand how God did and does the things He does. They are just glad that He did and has told them about them.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link.
I look forward to giving the lesson highlights and addressing questions that arose during the lesson. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
Sunday School Commentary and Preview Dec 6 2020
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Called Through Heritage” and is found in Hebrews 1:1-5; Matthew 1:1-6, 16-17.
Heritage is something that is handed or comes down from the past or belongs to one such as a tradition, culture, place, title or property usually by reason of birth. This week’s lesson takes a look at Jesus’s heritage.
Jesus just didn’t show up in human history out of nowhere. Just like us, Jesus was born connected to others. He had ties to those who preceded Him. Those who preceded Him left or gave Him a heritage that helped to define His place and purpose among mankind.
A person’s parents often play an important role in a person’s place within a society. They can define and shape one’s privileges or lack thereof along with one’s relationships and status among other people.
Jesus has a unique heritage. Jesus has a divine side and a human side from which His heritage comes from. On His divine side, Jesus is the God of Creation who was born to and became one of the children of men. On His human side, He was born into a family of promise and covenant with God.
God had established a covenant with His human family and promised them an everlasting kingdom. Jesus was and is the mediator of that covenant and heir to those promises. So Jesus appearance in human history is no accident or coincidence.
Before He made the world, God already knew what He was going to do, how He was going to do it and by whom He would do it. The plan of man’s redemption was formed before he was created. Jesus arrived in human history just when it was predetermined for Him to come through the family it was predetermined He would come through.
He was called through a unique heritage unlike anyone else who has been born among men and from that heritage we, meaning all mankind, are blessed.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link.
I look forward to giving the lesson highlights and addressing questions that arose during the lesson. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
![Sunday School Preview](https://www.fbmbc.org/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/book-six.jpg)
Sunday School Preview Nov 29 2020
![Sunday School Preview](https://www.fbmbc.org/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/book-six.jpg)
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Impartial Love” and is found in James 2:1-13.
The lesson this week tells us not to judge people differently based on appearance and perceived wealth or importance. When we make such preferences based on superficial attributes, James calls this sin.
God’s law teaches us to treat others without respect of outward appearance as we would want someone to treat us. When we pick and choose and discriminate how we treat others, that becomes a violation of God’s law.
James gives the example of someone who appears rich and another who appears poor who enters the congregation. The rich one is given special attention while the poor one is basically asked to stay out of sight. This is the type of behavior that violates God’s commandment.
One way to expand upon James’s example and properly apply God’s law is to imagine that we have only one seat for all people. So regardless of who we encounter, there is only one seat and everyone is invited to sit there.
Once seated, we must offer God’s love to everyone sitting in that seat the same way, or better yet, as if that someone was us. If we do this there is no chance of us sinning by breaking God’s law to love others as ourselves.
A second point James make is that sin is sin and it all results in God’s judgement. The reason he makes this point is because some may view respect of person as something mild without consequence even though it may be sinful.
He makes the point that the violation of any of God’s law makes us just as guilty as if we broke any other law. The reason why is because the specific violation is secondary to the fact that it is God we have disobeyed regardless of what it was we were disobedient about.
It is the fact of disobedience and not the infraction that makes us equally guilty before God. So James concludes this passage of the lesson by appealing to mercy. Those with the greatest needs are those who are in need of the greatest love.
Those who demonstrate love and mercy are those who will receive such. Those who do not, will also not receive any. Do not love with respect to persons. Give to and offer everyone the same seat.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link.
I look forward to giving the lesson highlights and addressing questions that arose during the lesson. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
Sunday School Preview Nov 22 2020
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Sharing Love” and is found in Acts 4:32-37; 5:1-11.
The lesson describes the days immediately following the formation of the first church in Jerusalem. Thousands had been added to the 130 souls who were in the upper room on the day of Pentecost.
Peter and John had been arrested after healing a known lame man in the name of Jesus. More people began to hear about the church and more people were added. The authorities who arrested them threaten them and charged them to never speak in the name of Jesus. But after the church prayed about the situation, the Holy Spirit again embolden the church and helped them to overcome their fear.
More importantly, was the relationship between the members of the church and how they felt towards one another. There was a feeling and sense of commonality within the church. They were united in their love, in their faith and in their mission.
They were united to the point that they were willing not on look on their own possessions as being off limits to the church. But many of them sold their possession to provide money for the church so that no one in the church went lacking of the things they needed.
Today, some would characterize this behavior as socialist or communist. The needs of the many outweighed the privileged of the few. They were acting like a family who worked, sacrificed and came together for the good of all. They behaved and acted as one just as Jesus had prayed that they would.
Over the many years and centuries, selfish interest has always interfered with the church continuing to be as it was here. People allow some aspect of the commonality to separate them from others in the church. The oneness, the sameness, the mission, the faith and the love is somehow compromised by some device of the wicked one that tempts us to place self above and before others.
This was the case with Ananias and his wife Sapphira. They conspired to pretend that they had done something that they had not. Ordinarily this would not have been a capital offense. But at this stage in the formation of the church, God felt it was necessary to sent a message.
That message among other things was not to attempt to deceive one another, be sincere in your love and faith and never place self before or above others. This is a message that has been largely lost in much of the church through the centuries and even today.
Many believe the church is about them and making things materially better for themselves like a vehicle to prosperity and achievement of the things they want. But we only need look at this gathering of the church to see what God’s idea of the church should be.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link.
I look forward to giving the lesson highlights and addressing questions that arise during the lesson. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
Sunday School Preview Nov 15 2020
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Confident Love” and is found in 1 John 3:11-24.
Of all the New Testament writers, John seems to me to place the most emphasis on love as the key component of Christian discipleship. Behavior matters. It always has and always will. What we do here and now will carry over to what we shall be when this life is over.
This is why we must be confident in our relationship with God. John declares that love is not an option, but a commandment from the Lord Himself. Love for others, especially those of the faith, is what causes us to pass from death unto life.
John equates “not loving” and “hate”. In both cases, the result is death because there is a lack of care or indifference about the welfare of others. On the other hand, love demonstrates care for others. John says love will lay down his life for others.
In essence, love will cause a person to stop living for themselves. That is what it means to “lay down one’s life”. Instead of pursuing what “I” want, “I” put the needs and welfare of others, if not before, as least equal to my own.
This is why John says a person can’t turn their back on the needs of others and have the love of God within themselves. Love is not something to talk about or sing about, but something which is demonstrated through actions. Through demonstrated action we can know that our love is real and have confidence that we are in good standing with God.
But even if sometimes we doubt the sincerity of our love, God knows our thoughts and heart better than we know them ourselves. We may feel inadequate or that we have fallen below God’s expectation. But God knows what we are capable of and what we have done and are doing.
However, if we believe we do love our brothers and sisters and have laid down our life in service to them, then we can have full assurance and confidence in our standing and relationship with God. And because we keep His commandments, both of which hinge upon love, we know He hears us and gives us what we ask of Him.
All of God’s commandments stem from “love” of God and “love” of others. This love is what binds us together with God and places us into His family. The other assurance we have is the presence of His Holy Spirit within us.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link.
I look forward to giving the lesson highlights and addressing questions that arose during the lesson. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
Sunday School Preview Nov 8 2020
Sunday School Preview Nov 1 2020
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Loving By Serving” and is found in John 13:1-15, 34-35.
Today’s lesson looks at love as the motivating reason to serve others. Love as expressed by God is selfless and cares about the condition of others as much as oneself. As Jesus’s time with His disciples was drawing to an end, He felt it was time to demonstrate the meaning of love and the mind he needed them to have toward each other and others.
One evening after dinner, He undressed and wrapped a towel around Himself and proceeded to fill a basin and wash His disciple’s feet. He was fully aware of who He is and His disciples knew who they believed Him to be. His lesson in washing their feet was one of humility.
It was removing all instances of pride or self-importance that would hinder them from carrying out their charge and calling they were about to receive. Jesus explained that if the king washed the servant’s feet, what reason could the servants have for refusing to wash each other’s feet. The answer is that they would have none.
This is why Jesus told Peter when he objected to Jesus washing his feet, Jesus told him if he refused then he could have no part of His kingdom or ministry. The same thing applies to us today. Another important take away from this example of humility and love is the fact that Jesus washed the feet of Judas even when He knew that Judas would betray Him. He loved His enemies as He has commanded us to love our own.
Jesus wraps up His lesson to His disciples by giving them a new commandment to love one another in the same manner I have loved you. This selfless love. A love that looks upon others as not being less than or greater than one’s self, but as one’s self.
That does not mean they were not to respect and honor roles and position. But as Jesus demonstrated, the role or position was not to define how they looked upon and treated each other.
We recently completed a BTU study on submission where we examined the relationship between kings and subjects, master and slaves, husbands and wives, believer and believer. In all situations, the role or position may be different but Christians are to treat and view one another with this serving selfless unprideful love regardless of the role.
Jesus told His disciples that this love is what will distinguish them from the rest of the world and will identify them as belonging to Him. Today, if we are to be effective witness for Christ and hope to enter His kingdom and have a part with Him, we must have this same love for others as Jesus had and has for us.
Even though He is our Lord, Master and King he related to us as if He had no title at all. He related to us as to say He is no better or worst than any one else. This is how He expects us to relate to others and especially to those within the household of faith.
So, if we are not seeking ways to love our brothers and sisters by seeking to serve them, then we still haven’t learned what it means to love one another as Jesus loved us. Jesus came to serve us, not for us to serve Him. We serve Him when we serve each other.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link. I look forward to giving the lesson highlights and addressing questions that arose during the lesson. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
Sunday School Preview Oct 25 2020
Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Love Divine” and is found in 1 Corinth 13:1-13.
The word “love” is one that is used quite often. It is used to describe one of mankind’s most intense feelings and emotions.
Love has been used to describe the emotional feelings that a person has for another person to whom he or she may be attracted to as a sexual mate or partner. It is also used to describe the emotional bond a person has toward another based upon a biological connection or friendship.
A third used of the word love is used to describe the compassion, concern and respect one human being has toward another human being. This third meaning of love is the meaning the word carries mostly in the bible and in the lesson text today.
The Apostle Paul uses this text to describe what he sees as the key ingredients of the biblical or divine love. But before he begins to describe it, he begins by saying how essential it is to salvation. He basically states that there is no substitute for this love. Nothing can replace it or make up for its absence.
Love in this context or meaning is not just a feeling or emotion, but it is more of a combination of actions and states of being. Kindness, patience and longsuffering are three words he uses to describe the action of love. Not proud or envious is two other states of being he uses. Love is respectful of others, not easily offended or provoked, not self-seeking and forgiving.
Love seeks and hopes for what is best, what is good and true and is repelled by anything harmful or evil. Love endures or last when other things fail. Paul understood that this type of love is for those who stop taking life for granted who begin to seek and understand the true meaning of and for life.
There are two other words that Paul places alongside love for their importance to Christian formation. Those words are hope and faith. Each one of these have an essential role in Christian salvation. But in terms of their impact and influence upon the Christian life, Paul concludes that love is the greatest of the three.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at www.fbmbc.org and clicking the online services link. I look forward to giving the lesson highlights and addressing questions that arose during the lesson. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan