Christian Education
This page contains the content of Christian Education post.  It is one of the ways we use to extend the teaching ministry of the Church to our members, our friends and the world.  It is a supplement to the teaching that goes on in classrooms, meetings, and other gatherings of the Church where Christian theology, doctrine, and instruction is taught. We are welcomed and encouraged to comment on any of the messages by clicking the “SS Preview” link you want to comment on, going to the bottom of the page and filling in and Submitting the Reply at the end of the message.  Most of the post will have audio playback so you can listen to as well as read them.  We hope you are blessed, enlighten and inspired through our Christian Education forums and invite you to join us at any of our meetings.

SS Preview October 15, 2017

Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  This month’s focus is “Called into Covenant With God”.  Today’s lesson entitled “Obeying God’s Law” is the third lesson in this unit and takes place at the base of Mt. Sinai about 50 days after the children of Israel had left Egypt.  What occurred in that mountain is referred to as a theophany.  A theophany is a type of physical manifestation of the presence of God.  In this appearance on Mt. Sinai, God’s presence was evident by lightning and thunder and smoke and loud trumpet sounds and His voice. 
This was all quite terrifying for the children of Israel who fear for their lives from this great manifestation of God’s presence.  They were so frightened in fact that they asked Moses to ask God not to speak to them anymore, but that Moses should go and speak to God for them and whatever God says they will do.  Moses assures them that God had no intention of killing them, but He did want them to fear and reverence Him.  God wanted Israel to know that He is real and powerful and not like some stone image that they and others may have been use to that can’t do or say anything.  God is a God of covenant and relationship and requires obedience on our part.
Israel nor we could ever enter relationship with God as equals.  He is the Creator and we are the created.  God is all powerful.  We have no power except what He gives us and allows us to have.  God is eternal and we are mortal.  We are nowhere or nothing in comparison to God.  How would you like a barbarian or salvage person to live with you?  They would have no respect or value the things that are important to you and your way of life.  Without God’s laws, we are like barbarians and salvages living in the presence of God.  But if you gave a barbarian or salvage your rules or laws and they were able and willing to abide by them, then you may be inclined to allow them to live with you in your house. 
This is the same principle that applies when it comes to obeying God’s law.  God would love to bring us to His house, but we must learn to behave divinely civilized to go there.  So, this lesson is God introducing Himself as the one true and almighty God to Israel and presenting them with His expectation of covenant behavior.  To get a greater understanding of this lesson read the daily SS readings found in your SS book and on our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of God’s call into covenant.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

SS Preview October 8, 2017

Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  This month’s focus is “Called into Covenant With God”.  The first lesson in this unit was entitled “God’s Covenant With Abram”.  In that lesson, we were able to see the beginning of God’s redemptive plan for mankind.  Today’s lesson entitled “God’s Covenant With Israel” takes place some 400 years later. 
By this time, God’s promise to multiply Abraham’s seed was beginning to take shape.  Under God’s direction and protection, Moses had gone to Egypt and delivered Abraham’s descendants from slavery and brought them to the base of Mount Sinai.  Abraham’s seed had grown to the size of a nation of millions and were called Israel, the name of Abraham’s grandson Jacob.  God had a special plan and task for them in His overall plan to redeem mankind.  He was ready to instruct and enter into covenant with them just as He had done with Abraham, Issac and Jacob. 
It was a great scene as God’s presence descended upon the mountain with fire and smoke and trumpet sounds.  The people were told to prepare and sanctify themselves and stand at the foot of the mountain as God enters into covenant with them.  Moses was the mediator of the covenant between the Israel and God and was allowed to stand on the mountain. He received and delivered the Law of God from God to the people.  Many years later, our Lord Jesus Christ mediated a new covenant just as Moses did between God and the whole world.   
One of the main points of this lesson is the seriousness we should take entering into covenant with God.  It is not something to be taken lightly and can be fatal if not entered in properly.  The people were warned not to trespass the boundaries God had set around the mountain.  If they trespassed the boundary, they would die.  We today have boundaries God has set for us to keep us from death and destruction.  Trespass of these boundaries also result in death.  You can get a deeper understanding of this lesson by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS books and on our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of God’s call into covenant.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

SS Preview October 1, 2017

Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  Last month’s unit focused on signs of God’s covenants.  This month the focus will be “Called into Covenant With God”.  The first lesson in this unit is entitled “God’s Covenant With Abram”. 
Abram was a man who lived in a place called Ur.  It was located in present day Iraq.  He and his family were heathen idol worshippers, but God called Abram and told him to leave his father, kindred and people and follow Him to an unspecified place.  He in turn would make of him a great nation, make his name great and cause all nations to be blessed through Him.  And this call and response of Abram by God began the redemption of mankind.  God used the faithfulness of this one man to later bring into existence the nation of Israel and through Israel He would later send Jesus Christ. 
The lesson focus today is about God’s reassurance to Abram that all He said to him would be fulfilled.  But at the time of this lesson, Abram still didn’t have any children of His own and he was getting up in age.  But God wanted him to know that a servant would not be his heir, but a son from his own blood and body would be his heir.  Futhermore, the number of his descendant would be too many to count and He would give them the land Abram had followed God to and was now in.  The bible tells us that Abram believe what God said concerning him and that belief was credited to Abram by God as righteousness. 
Today, we who believe God the same as Abram are called the children or seed of Abram.  Abram, whose name was later changed to Abraham, is referred to as the “father of faith”.  All of us who would be followers of Jesus Christ are a type of present day Abram in that we believe God and God will count or credit our belief as righteousness.  Because of God’s covenant with Abram, we are receiving the blessing God promised would be to all people and nations.  You can get a deeper understanding of this lesson by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS books and on our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of God’s call into covenant.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

SS Preview Sept, 24, 2017

Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  The September unit focus has been on God’s covenant promises and is entitled “Signs of God’s Covenants”.  Promises or agreements God makes are sometimes referred to as “covenants”.  A covenant usually requires something on the part of the people who are the object of the covenant. 
In today’s lesson entitled “Spirit-Filled Heart” God introduces a new and better way to relate to Him and one another.  The previous covenant told Israel what to do, but didn’t give them much help on how to do it.  The law of God to the people was something on stone or paper and without feeling.  It was good and right, but the people lacked the mercy and compassion necessary to make it effective.  Because it was external instead of internal, the people had difficulty keeping the law and covenant of God.  They were punished and exiled for their gross disobedience and God’s Holy Name was profaned or made common among nations. 
But God never stopped loving them and while He had their attention during their captivity, He sent word by His prophets that He had not forsaken them and would bring them back.  Seeing they were incapable of correcting the problem that caused their exile, God takes it upon Himself to restore the disobedient nation of Israel in order to keep His promise to Abraham to give His descendants the land of Canaan and to glorify and restore His Holy Name.  However, this time God will help them to internalize His word and give them access to His Spirit in order for them to keep His covenant and fulfill His will for their lives.  The emphasis this time will be on reshaping their heart by making it tender or feeling and receptive to the His Spirit. 
You can get a deeper understanding of this lesson by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS books and on our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of biblical covenants.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

SS Preview September 17, 2017

Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  The September unit focuses on God’s covenant promises and is entitled “Signs of God’s Covenants”.  At various times in human history, the bible tells us of promises or agreements God made.  Some of these promises or agreements are referred to as “covenants” and were between God and something He created. 
A covenant may require something on the part of that which is created or it may be something God decides to do alone.  Today’s lesson entitled “SABBATH OBSERVANCE” teaches us about the importance God places on observing a day of rest.  This day of rest is not a request, but a command.  It is a sign between God and His people for all generations.  The Sabbath beside being a sign of the covenant serves several purposes.  The Sabbath places emphasis on the welfare of man.  By taking a day of rest, it gives the physical body and mind a chance to renew and regenerate.  The Sabbath signifies that no work or pursuit is so important that it can’t wait one day to honor and commune with God. 
The Sabbath command is given because we are made in God’s image and observing the Sabbath is another way we are called to imitate God.  The Sabbath also extends rest to those who work for us and demonstrates compassion to others, even beast of burden.  Greed and idolatry has served to undermine the observance of the Sabbath since the day it was instituted.  The Sabbath is a day intended for man to reflect upon and reaffirm his relationship with God with special thanksgiving, worship and praise.  But man has totally ignored the Sabbath and uses it to promote his own agenda and plans without any regard toward God.  However, as Christians we should endeavor to make the Sabbath special and set it apart from other days as a way of honoring God and displaying our covenant relation with Him.  
You can get a deeper understanding of this lesson by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS books and on our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of biblical covenants.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

SS Preview Sept. 10, 2017

Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  The September unit focuses on God’s covenant promises and is entitled “Signs of God’s Covenants”.  At various times in human history, the bible tells us of promises, contracts or agreements God made.  Some of these promises, contracts or agreements are referred to as “covenants” and were between God and something He created.  A covenant may require something on the part of that which is created or it may be something God decides to do alone. 
Today’s lesson entitled “CIRCUMCISION” teaches us about a covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants.  This covenant is pivotal in God’s plan to redeem and save the human race.  God uses the faith of one man as the example for his descendants to follow.  God called on Abraham to walk or live before him perfectly or blameless and to believe Him.  In return, God would bless him and his seed with both material and spiritual blessings.  Through Jesus Christ, God continues to live up to His part of the Covenant He established with Abraham and his descendants. 
A sign of this covenant was circumcision which was required of every male in Abraham’s household.  This sign signaled that the promises God made to Abraham were extended to the males that received the sign.  Those who refused or not given the sign where excluded from the covenant.  Jesus Himself received the sign on His 8th day of birth according to the Law.  But, receiving the sign did not and does not today mean a person would and will receive all the promises of the covenant because this covenant requires actions beyond the sign.  Nonetheless, it was the beginning of a special relationship God began and continues to have with those He has chosen to save.
You can get a deeper understanding of this lesson by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS books and on our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of biblical covenants.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

SS Lesson Preview Sept. 3, 2017

Greeting Members and Friends
It is time for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back.  September begins a new unit that focuses on God’s covenant promises entitled “Signs of God’s Covenants”.  At various times in human history, the bible tells us of promises God made.  These promises or “covenants” were between God and something He created.  A covenant may require something on the part of that which is created or it may be something God decides to do alone.  Today’s lesson entitled “The Rainbow” teaches us about a covenant God decides to do on His own and requires nothing on the part of anything created.
This lesson is about the aftermath of the great flood in which all people died except Noah and his family.  A flood by the way that many don’t believe happened, but Jesus indicated that it did happen because He referred to it when talking about the end times.  Because of man’s wickedness, God regrettably destroyed the human race and spared only Noah and his family.  In addition to people, land animals were destroyed as well.  After the terrible loss of life as a result of the flood, God made a promise with the inhabitants of the earth that He would never bring such a flood again upon the earth.  This covenant didn’t require anything on the part of anyone else.  This covenant was God’s own promise He made with His creation. 
Often something is done to seal the covenant or to remind people of the covenant or to participate in the covenant.  For this covenant, God gave the rainbow as a reminder of the covenant He made to the inhabitants of the earth.  The lesson also makes mention of the fact that Noah offered several sacrifices upon his departure from the ark to demonstrate to God his gratitude for his deliverance.  It should be noted that Noah used only “clean” animals in his sacrifices and that his sacrifices were accepted by God.  Here again is another example of bringing and giving only our best if we want to be accepted by God. 
You can get a deeper understanding by reading the daily SS readings found in your SS book and on our website and mobile app.  Well, that’s about all for this week’s preview.  Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fully discussion of this lesson and the general topic of biblical covenants.  So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan

SS Preview August 27, 2017

Greetings SS Scholars
It’s time for our weekly SS lesson preview.  Thanks for joining me and welcome back.  As some of you know, our theme for the month of August is entitled “Calls in the New Testament” and in this unit, we have been examining calls into and examples of New Testament ministry.  New Testament ministry may be considered those things which are done to serve and expand the body of Christ.  Everyone in the NT church of our Lord should be in or should be preparing to be in a serving relationship within the body of Christ.  
This week’s lesson is entitled “Called to be Inclusive” and the main point of this lesson is that salvation has appeared unto all people.  For some time, God had dealt exclusively with Abraham and his direct descendants the children of Israel.  While God has always maintained oversight over the affairs of men, He had established a special covenant with Israel through which He intends to save the world. 
Jesus himself said that salvation is of the Jews.  Until Christ, there were strict prohibitions regarding relationships between Israel and all other nations or Gentiles So, it was not immediately clear to the apostles that salvation was indeed available to the Gentiles for again the Lord said that He was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and told His disciples on one of their evangelistic missions not to go in the way of the Gentiles.  On another occasion, the Lord told a Gentile woman that it is not fitting to give the children’s meat unto the dogs.  Today’s lesson however made it clear that God means to save the entire world and not just the Jews. 
Cornelius was a God-fearing Gentile who was also friendly toward the Jews.  He prayed to God and God answered his prayer by sending Peter to preach Jesus to him.  Upon hearing the gospel, God’s Holy Spirit filled Cornelius and those that had gathered with him to hear the gospel.  Peter and those with him saw what happened and heard the Gentiles speak with tongues and thereby confirming that God had accepted them.  This was God’s way of letting the apostles know without any doubt that God has included all people in His offer of salvation. 
To get the full story and understanding, I suggest you read the entire 10th chapter of Acts which is part of our daily SS bible readings also available on our website and through our mobile app.  Have a good day and rest of the week and I hope to see you all Sunday for a very lively and interesting lesson.  So, until then
Pastor Jordan

SS Preview Aug. 20, 2017


Greetings Everyone

It’s time once again for the Sunday School Lesson Preview.  Thanks for joining me and welcome back.  This month’s unit is entitled “Calls in the New Testament” and in this unit, we are examining calls into and examples of New Testament ministry.  New Testament ministry may be considered those things which are done to serve and expand the body of Christ.  Everyone in the NT church of our Lord should be in or should be preparing to be in a serving relationship within the body of Christ.  This week’s lesson is entitled “Called to Preach” and looks at how Saul of Tarsus was called into the gospel ministry. 

Saul was a devout Pharisee and well-educated in the Law of Moses.  He viewed Christianity as a heretical sect of Judaism and sought to destroy it by any means necessary.  After wreaking havoc on the church in Jerusalem and even consenting to some of their deaths, he sought to pursue them outside of Jerusalem and bring them back in chains.  His reputation for terror against the church preceded him to Damascus where on his way there he encountered a miraculous call into ministry by Jesus himself. 

Blind and helpless, he was led into Damascus where a Christian disciple name Ananias was instructed by the Lord to receive him into the church.  After being reassured by the Lord that Saul was no longer a threat, Ananias did as he was commanded by the Lord.  Ananias laid his hands on Saul and Saul received his sight and was baptized.  From that moment on, Saul, who later embraced his Greek name Paul, dedicated the rest of his life to preaching and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

He suffered many things for the sake of Christ along his way of establishing churches and writing letters to those he helped to lead to Christ.  His letters help to form a major portion of the New Testament canon and are read and taught in the Church as scripture and have Apostolic authority.  No single individual has done more to help establish the Christian church of our Lord Jesus than Paul, a man who began as a mortal enemy and became our greatest advocate for the faith. 

Well, I hope this will help you with your preparation for this Sunday’s lesson.  Be sure to read the background scriptures which can also be accessed on our website or mobile app and let’s prepare for a great discussion on Sunday.  So, until then


Pastor Jordan


SS Preview August 13, 2017

Greetings Everyone
It’s time once again for the Sunday School Lesson Preview.  Thanks for joining me and welcome back.  This month’s unit is entitled “Calls in the New Testament” and in this unit, we are examining calls into and examples of New Testament ministry.  New Testament ministry may be considered those things which are done to serve and expand the body of Christ.  Everyone in the NT church of our Lord should be in or should be preparing to be in a serving relationship within the body of Christ.  
Today’s lesson, entitled “Called to Break Down Barriers”, focuses on the call to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.  The call to spread the gospel is not one reserved for preachers.  While preachers may have a heighten ability to explain and share the gospel, all members of the body can tell others about the grace of God and what that grace means for them.  The personal living testimony a believer shares with someone else can sometimes do more to convince someone to trust Jesus Christ with their life than all the preaching in the world.  Therefore, all of us carry within us the equivalent of the best sermons in the world to share with those who are ready and willing to listen to it. 
In the lesson today, we find a person who was ready and willing to hear the personal testimony of a believer and a believer who was ready and willing to share his testimony.  The Ethiopian and Phillip were different in ways that ordinarily would have made it difficult for them to associate and communicate with each other.  But the need for Jesus along with the Spirit of God has a way of breaking down the strongest barriers.  Phillip, led by the Spirit, helps someone who needed assistance understanding the scripture.  Phillip took the opportunity to tell the Ethiopian about Jesus which led to his conversion and baptism. 
It’s going to take the one on one personal witness to reach many people who have yet to be reached with and who still lack understanding of the gospel.  Well, I hope this has helped you with your preparation for this Sunday’s lesson.  Be sure to read the background scriptures which can also be accessed on our website or mobile app and let’s prepare for a great discussion on Sunday.  So until then,
Pastor Jordan