Greetings members and friends and welcome to another commentary and preview to this Sunday’s study of the Word. This Sunday’s study text is entitled “God Foretells Destruction” and it is based on Isaiah 47:10-15.
Today’s study looks at how God can use others to carry out His will and purpose and then judge them for the manner in which they executed that purpose and conduct themselves afterward. Such was the case when God used the Babylonian empire to judge Judah for their refusal to repent and obey His word.
God gave them plenty of space to repent, but they were determined to ignore God’s grace and mercy. The Babylonians came and utterly destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the temple and many, if not most, of those who were not killed were led into captivity and servitude of the Babylonians.
In today’s text, Isaiah proclaims God’s judgement upon those He used to judge His own people. In it, God declares that the Babylonians have totally ignored any role He had in allowing them to achieve the things they had and badly mistreated His people.
They boasted in what they saw as what they themselves had done all by themselves and how they didn’t have, get or need any help from God or anyone else. Beside all that, they felt unaccountable for their wickedness and actions as if no one was looking who could even question what they were doing.
This attitude is very descriptive of a large number of people living in the United States and throughout much of the world. Instead of being humbled and thankful, the Babylonians were prideful, unthankful and boastful. In much the same way, people today have lost all shame, are unthankful to God and boast in the things that have been made and created to make life easier and more enjoyable.
Isaiah tells the Babylonians that they are headed for a big fall and nothing they can do can prevent it. Unseen and unexpected devastation is coming. Today, people don’t expect and don’t see the judgement of God coming upon our arrogant and idolatrous behavior. So, when it comes, it shall come as a shock and big surprise for most people.
Isaiah tells the Babylonians to call upon all the people and things that have listened to and placed their trust in to help and deliver them. He mocks them in saying that perhaps they will save them. The same is similar and true today.
Human counsel, remedies and ideas about how to live without God shall all fail when called upon to deliver us and will lead to disaster. A society built upon and believing in eternal unaccountability will eventually collapse under the weight of its own sin and unrighteousness.
Isaiah warns Babylon it is like dried wood, straw and stubble ready to be set afire. Nothing will be able to put out the fire or save them. Today, some people are allowing themselves to be used in part because they are convinced there is something in it for them while others are unwittingly being used to promote the ambitions and greed of people who are willing to lie, distort, misrepresent, mislead and do just about anything against the truth if it will help them achieve their goals.
The people in Babylon thought there was no cost or consequence for their behavior and they ended up losing everything. People today are being convinced there is no God watching and neither is there anyone or anything outside our own selfish and corrupt laws to hold us accountable for our actions. The Babylonians were mistaken and suffered severe consequences and so are and shall people today.
The sad thing is that those who fear God and know the good God wishes for us will suffer alongside those who don’t. Our only chance to delay or avoid God’s judgement, it for those of us who fear His name to stand up and resist being used by the unscrupulous people or becoming part of them who are corrupting society with their attacks against the truth and efforts to polarize and set people against each other.
There is so much potential for the world if we stop working against each other and begin to work for the benefit and common welfare of all.
Well, be sure to look over the study again and come prepared to offer your comments, questions and perspective on the meaning of the study. If you can’t attend your own Sunday School class this Sunday, you can join us live and online at 9:00 am at and clicking the online services link.
You can also join us live by dialing 508 924-2890. If you have any comments or questions, be sure to place them in the comment section or you can share them on Sunday. So, let’s all have a great lesson and discussion this Sunday and remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan