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Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of my Sunday School lesson commentary and preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “Isaiah: Offering Hope For The Future” and is found in Isaiah 29:13-24.
Isaiah is called the “major” of the major prophets not only because the book that bears his name is the longest, but also He is perhaps quoted in the New Testament more than any other prophet. Isaiah prophesied in Judah and his ministry expanded four kings. He, like all true prophets of God, warned of God’s judgement for forsaking God’s covenant and called on the people to repent and worship God in truth.
The first verse of the lesson describes disingenuous worship which Jesus quoted from Isaiah. The problem of disingenuous worship has been a persistent fault of those who consider themselves or have been considered God’s covenant people.
Isaiah calls it out in the people of his day in today’s lesson. Jesus called in out during His ministry. And it is still present today in Christians whose worship can be characterized as detached, apathetic and lacking passion and commitment.
In cases of disingenuous worship, people do just enough and maybe just a little more in order to convince themselves and others that they are religious. Some just to keep their membership in a church. God does not however desire nor does He accept detached religion.
God desires, expects and receives genuine relationship, not forms and practices which people pass off as religion. This is the backdrop of the text of this lesson.
The prophet said the people had abandoned their faith and dependence upon God for their own wisdom that would fail them. And he said they were conducting themselves as if God couldn’t see or hear what they were doing and saying while attempting to disguise their true feelings and beliefs.
The same thing is going on today as some people want others to believe they are righteous and have their interest at heart when actually working and behaving unrighteous to further their own interest. Those who lead and influence people set themselves up as the potter and not the clay they all are and attempt to make their perverse ways equal to or greater than God.
Isaiah then pivots in the text and begins to speak of another day when people will become receptive of God’s word and the accompanying changes that will come along with it. He describes a time when the word of God shall no longer be hidden and misunderstood.
Instead there shall be a spiritual awakening where all who desire to see and hear shall be able to. In those days, the unrighteous shall be exposed for what and who they are and be cut off for their wicked deeds. They are those who oppose justice, make those who plea for justice the enemy and set up barriers to keep them from being heard and pervert their claims.
All of this is going on even today as those who call for justice are made by others to appear to be the enemy and the problem. Those who see what they are doing must continue to pray and have patience in believing that God will remove such people and expose them for who and what they are and what they have done and were doing.
Isaiah concludes by saying that God’s people shall prevail and God will fulfill in them all He has planned and ordained for them. Even those who were misled and misguided God is going to forgive and restore once their eyes are opened.
People in Isaiah’s day just as in ours could see what the leaders were doing then and are doing now. But just as then as is now God’s people must not allow themselves to stray away from the truth, righteousness and justice no matter the political, economic or social cost. If no one holds up the true light of God, then the whole world will plunge into complete darkness.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday. Invite someone to come and share your thoughts with the class. Sunday School at Flag Branch will begin at 9:00 am and you are invited to join us at and clicking the online services link.
You and others can also join us by dialing 508 924-2890. If you have any comments or questions before then, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview and I will get back to you. So, as always remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan