Greetings everyone and thanks for joining me for this edition of our Sunday School preview. This Sunday’s lesson is entitled “The Value of Wisdom” and is found in Proverbs 2:1-11.
One way to define wisdom is by stating that wisdom is the application of knowledge and understanding to arrive at the best and most desirous outcome. Everyday we make decisions based upon our knowledge and understanding.
Wisdom helps us make the best decisions for all involved and affected by those decisions. Many people are not interested in making the best decisions. Often decisions are made for immediate gratification. Decisions are made without regard to reputation.
Decisions are made without thinking about or considering the side effects or long-term consequences of that decision. Decisions are made without taking into account the effects it will have on others. And because people make decisions in this manner, they know not nor do they utilize the value of wisdom.
Most people will live and die without godly wisdom. There is a wisdom of the world and there is godly wisdom that the book of Proverbs tells us about that comes from above. The acquisition of godly wisdom begins with a desire to have it.
The writer says “If”. If what? If we will receive wisdom’s words as the great treasure they are and if we will pay close attention and seek to understand their meaning and if we seek help to ascertain insight and understanding and if we value wisdom above earthly treasures such as silver and gold, then something amazing with happen. We will discover the fear of the Lord and the knowledge of the living God.
Because godly wisdom comes from God. We will begin to receive divine knowledge and understanding. God begins to do things for us like guarding, shielding and watching over those seeking godly wisdom. We will begin to understand and apply righteousness, justice and equity and the best course of action.
Because decisions are made from the heart, godly wisdom will begin to inform our hearts in making decisions. Discretion, the ability to fully evaluation the consequences of what we say and do, will watch over us and understanding will guard us as we make decisions that affect what will happen to us and all others who will be affected by our decisions.
This is the value of godly wisdom that most people don’t use because they fail recognize and appreciate its value. Therefore, most people go through life making decisions that help them get by. But get by decisions deprive us of the value and benefit of fully developed and thought out decisions that only come from godly wisdom. It’s like taking one bite out of a whole sandwich the throwing the rest away.
Well, I hope you will be able to attend SS this coming Sunday and share your thoughts with your class. If you cannot attend your own Sunday School, you are invited to join us online at 9:00 am live and interactive at our website. If you have any comments or questions, be sure to place them in the comment section of this preview. So, until next time remember to fear God and keep His commandments.
Pastor Jordan
Rev.Jordan you did great job explaining the Sunday school preview keep up good work.