Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back. With the beginning of July, 2018 has reached the halfway point. Soon this year will be over and it seems it just started. Sis. Glennie Rorie is critical and health providers say she may not make out the week. Sis. Francis Walls condition has also taken a step back over the last couple of weeks. So be prepared to give the Rorie and Walls family the love and support they will need as they brace themselves the final days. Bro Frank Robinson was back with us on yesterday after undergoing some major surgery. He’s still not at full strength, but let’s pray he continues to make steady progress toward a full recovery.
For those who did not know, Sis. Melanie Eddy and her husband Tavis renewed their wedding vows after 10 years of marriage in a ceremony that took place at the National Guard Amory on Saturday. It was a lovely affair and the entire wedding party and decorations were just beautiful. Let’s hope that their next 10 will be as good as if not better than the first 10. The men fellowship breakfast will be held this Saturday at Golden Coral at 8:30 pm. The cost is about $10 so spread the word around. The church will welcome our newest member on the 3rd Sunday in July by extending the Right Hand of Fellowship to Sis. V. Marsh. So make plans to be there to welcome her into our family.
The Zion Association will meet at Flag Branch to observe Shaw Day on the 4th Sunday in July the 22nd. Let’s be prepared to welcome them here. The Health Ministry is planning another seminar to take place on Saturday, July 28th and it will focus on End-of-Life care for the people we love and care for. I will bring you more information in the coming weeks but I want you to mark your calendars now for this very important and informative presentation. I will be conducting a Financial Workshop for members and friends in September. It will be designed to help participants to make good and wise choices that will provide the best outcomes for ourselves and our families. So, don’t miss it when it comes.
Homecoming and Revival is set for Sunday, August 12th through Friday, August 17th. Dr. Robert Sanders and the Piney Grove West congregation will be our guest for Homecoming. Rev. Joseph McFarlan, pastor of the Macedonia MBC in Cheraw, SC will be the guest preacher for the week. Let’s begin praying now for a move of God that will bless us with what we need to be faithful and successful in His service. Don’t forget to meet at Solid Rock this week at 7:00 pm on Thursday evening to support them during their revival. I hope to see you there. And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Seeds Falling Into The Heart”.
The heart songwriters sing about and the Bible speaks about is not the physical one located in our chest that pumps blood through our veins, but an invisible or spiritual one that controls our thoughts and actions. It’s there that the seeds of God Word is sown or planted in order to change and transform our lives into what God designed them to be. Seeds will only produce good fruit when sown or planted in good ground or soil.
Jesus liken our hearts to different types of soils that are suited and not suited for growing seeds planted there. Hard beaten and trodden ground which Jesus called the wayside, stony or rocky ground and weedy or thorny ground will not produce the saving fruit of faith and works needed for salvation in Christ. Only seeds sown in good fertile ground will produce that kind of faith and works.
Things such as distractions, afflictions, lust for people, places and things, evil influences and the cares and concerns of life all contaminate the soil of our heart and render the word of God ineffective in our lives. When we experience change and see or are moved to improvement after each encounter with the word of God, then we know our hearts consist of good ground. If the soil of our hearts is not where is should be, then we need to ask God to fix it so it will be. Well, that’s all for now. Have a good week and I hope to see you Thursday at Solid Rock or Sunday morning, if not before, if the Lord so wills. So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan