Fine Points Monday June 4, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Sunday was another beautiful day to come out and worship the Lord and I was so glad to see many of our members and friends in attendance.  Speaking of friends, one of our friends who has been fellowshipping with us for a while came forth during the altar call to become a member of our Christian Community.  I am always encouraged when others feel led to become a member of the Flag Branch community of believers. 
At the Men’s Breakfast Saturday, the men continue to use this opportunity to make improvements around the buildings as needed.  I really like what I am seeing as we make progress toward making the church facilities all that God will have them to be.  We were treated to a wonderful Health workshop and seminar on Healthy Eating and Nutrition.  It was full of useful information on making excellent food choices and the health benefits and risk associated with eating certain foods. We all received samples of healthy food choices and smoothies which we all enjoyed.  I want to also thank Sis. Muirhead for being our health coordinator and for facilitating this workshop.
Don’t forget that Vacation Bible School will begin Monday June 11 and continue through Friday June 15.  We always have a good time at VBS so make plans to attend.  We will begin at 6:15 each night.  Don’t forget to come out to Sunday School, Missions and BTU beginning at 9:00 am.  These three ministries provide an important ingredient in our recipe for developing spiritual growth.  Some of our members and friends went to St. Davie yesterday afternoon to help them celebrate Pastor Chambers anniversary.  Thank you for your gifts we sent to him.  Just a reminder to all Advisory Council members that we be meeting this evening at 6:30 pm.    And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “Life Preserver”. 
Value and Belief are the two main components that helps to solidify the commitment necessary to take up the cross and follow Jesus.  By Value I mean recognizing the unique amazing wonder that human life represents.  By undervaluing this gift of life, people are exchanging their lives for trifling fractions of what they are worth.  So a person can never appreciate life until they recognize its value.  The other component is Belief that life can be preserved.  No manmade solution will work to preserve life.  But the author of life, who is God, is able both to create and preserve what He created.  The Preserver is Jesus Christ and faith in Him allows His preserving grace and power to save our lives.  Take time to savor every moment of our earthly life and trust God in Christ to keep it going through death and beyond.  Well, that’s all for now.  Have a good week and I hope to see Sunday morning, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

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