Fine Points Monday March 12, 2018

Greeting FB Members and Friends
Thanks for joining me for another edition of Fine Points and welcome back.  Sunday was All Members and Family Day and I would like to thank the Membership Committee for all they did to help make the day as wonderful as it was.  I was glad to see many members and friends along with some invited guest.  And Bro. Kevin Jordan graciously made picture available for any family who wanted to take one.  I also want to thank and acknowledge the services of Dea. Ernest Collins and Sis. Annie Rivers and Robin Muirhead for what they did to help us host the Zion Laymen League meeting Saturday.  They helped to provide and prepare lunch for those who attended the meeting. 
I have accepted an invitation to be the guest speaker for the Pastor Appreciation Service for Rev. James Shine at Philadelphia MBC this Sunday afternoon March 18th.  Dinner will be served before the service.  I hope many of you will be able to join me for this special occasion.  I have also accepted an invitation to be the guest speaker at Rev. J. N. Coble’s 40th Pastoral Anniversary Service on Sunday, April 15th.  Together let’s help these churches make these services special for their pastors.   
Holy Week will begin Wednesday, March 28th and continue through Friday, March 30th.  We will begin at Walker’s Grove and I will bring the message.  Thursday, we will be here and Rev. Sanders will bring the message.  We will close at Belmont and Rev. Powe will bring the message.  We will follow the same outline for Easter as we did last year.  Sunrise Service will be at 6:45 AM followed by breakfast.  Sunday School will be at 9:00 AM and Morning Worship will begin at 10:00 AM.  Following Morning Worship we will have our Easter Program.  I encourage all parents to begin now helping your children with their Easter Speeches.  Let them practice them before your family and friends so they won’t be nervous and ready by Easter.  If you need a speech for your child, ask Sis. Willie Jordan for assistance. 
The Union County Countywide Crusade for Christ will be held for the first time here at Flag Branch beginning Sunday, April 8 through Thursday, April 12th.  Rev. R. J. Evans, Sr., pastor of Greater Grace Community MBC in Marshville will be the Sunday night speaker and Rev. Brian Irving, a son of Friendship MBC in Monroe and pastor of Northside MBC in Durham will be the speaker for the week.  It is an honor and privilege to be able to host this crusade.  So let’s get ready to receive and be gracious host of this long running event in our county.  And now a few final thoughts from yesterday’s message “The Fate of the Fallen”. 
If all life as we know it did not spring from natural chemical processes from inanimate and lifeless matter, then the only other possible answer is life was started from something or someone outside of our universe.  This is where God steps in for believers.  As believers God is Creator of all things including the heavenly angels.  And we know that a portion of those angels forsook their place in Heaven and were cast down.  God has prepared a place of everlasting punishment for them and for all of mankind who chooses to follow the example of the fallen angels. 
This place of punishment was not prepared for mankind, but it will become our fate if we refuse the grace and mercy of God.  Satan in Milton’s poem “Paradise Lost” in an effort to comfort the fallen angels said to them “Better to Reign in Hell than to Serve in Heaven”.  I for one don’t believe that and I hope you don’t either.  Well, that’s all for now.  I hope to see you Sunday, if not before, if the Lord so wills.  So, until then,
Blessings and Peace
Pastor Jordan

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