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Greeting Members and Friends
It time once again for our weekly Sunday School preview so thanks for joining me and welcome back. “An Everlasting Covenant” is our November unit focus. This Sunday’s lesson entitled “Mediator of the New Covenant” is about how Jesus Christ has made it possible for man and God to be reconciled or brought back together and the resulting relationship He made possible for us to have with God.
A mediator is one who helps to make peace or bridge the gap between parties who have something separating them. Our sin separated us from God and wouldn’t allow peace to be made between us. Jesus mediated the problem by being willing to die for our sins and in our place if we in return will repent of our sins and accept God’s forgiveness through His blood. The writer of Hebrews audience was mainly Jewish Christians who were familiar with the Mosaic covenant. He makes the point that this new covenant mediated by Christ is so much more user friendly than the one mediated by Moses. It is designed to remove the fear experienced by the participants in the previous covenant. Being spiritual in nature, it is much more reassuring because it has a heavenly mediator and it removes the guilt of sin. It allows God to become more approachable that in previous covenants.
The spiritual setting of this covenant is in heaven where God abides in the holy city along with the angels and of course our Lord Jesus Christ instead of the physical setting Mt. Sinai where the people or beast couldn’t approach the mountain and fear gripped them all. Because of the closeness we are permitted to get to God, we must pursue holiness and peace and not allow anything to spring up, take root and defile us. Such things would come between us and our new relationship we have with God and undermine the peace we now have with God.
God will shake or move anything created or that can be moved to make His promise to us come to pass. Therefore, we need to respond with a worship and reverence that is worthy of what He has done, is doing and shall do for us. Anything less and we can expect to be consumed by the fire of His justice. To get a fuller understanding of this lesson read the daily SS readings found in your SS book and on our website and mobile app. Well, that’s all for this week’s preview. Be sure to join us in Sunday School this week for a fuller discussion of this lesson and the general topic of an everlasting covenant. So, until then
Grace and peace
Pastor Jordan